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Think and Grow Rich é uma obra clássica sobre como levar uma vida de sucesso. Foi escrito a pedido de Andrew Carnegie e baseia-se em entrevistas com homens como Henry Ford, J.P. Morgan e John D. Rockefeller, os magnatas dos negócios do início do século XX. Este best-seller de todos os tempos apresenta os passos necessários para liberar o potencial de cada um, focando na construção da autoconfiança individual e num conjunto claro de objetivos. Cada capítulo aborda um dos princípios do autor para levar uma vida significativa e produtiva.

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Think and Grow Rich is a self-help book by Napoleon Hill, so it doesn't have characters in the traditional sense. However, it does mention several successful individuals from whom Hill drew inspiration and knowledge. These include Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller. These individuals are not characters, but real-life figures whose success stories and principles are used to illustrate the book's concepts.

"Think and Grow Rich" is a self-help book written by Napoleon Hill in 1937. It was commissioned by businessman Andrew Carnegie who was intrigued by the process of success. The book is based on Hill's interviews with over 500 successful men and women, including Henry Ford, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller.

The book outlines 13 principles for success, including desire, faith, specialized knowledge, imagination, organized planning, decision, persistence, the power of the master mind, the mystery of sex transmutation, the subconscious mind, the brain, the sixth sense, and the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death.

The central idea of the book is that our thoughts create our reality, and by actively controlling our thoughts, we can control our reality. It's a classic in the personal development genre and has influenced many subsequent books and authors.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill presents several principles of success. One specific example is the story of Edwin C. Barnes, who had a burning desire to become a business partner of the great inventor, Thomas Edison. Barnes had no money or resources, only his determination. He took a freight train to Edison's laboratory and presented himself. He started working there, not as a partner but in a minor role. However, he seized his opportunity when Edison's new dictation machine, the Ediphone, was not selling. Barnes saw its potential, convinced Edison to give him a chance, and successfully sold it, eventually becoming Edison's partner. This story illustrates Hill's principle of 'Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement'.

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O autor afirma que, ao focar em um desejo apaixonado, ter fé em si mesmo, treinar o subconsciente para acreditar no sucesso e desenvolver um plano detalhado, qualquer pessoa pode enriquecer.

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1. Desejo

O livro começa com o princípio mais importante de Hill, o desejo. Isso não significa desejar algo que está faltando. Desejo aqui significa uma paixão intensa, querer algo tão ferozmente que motiva uma pessoa à ação. O desejo específico deve ser muito bem definido ou pode recair em pensamento ilusório. Um desejo também deve ter um cronograma, bem como um bem ou serviço especificado que resultará da realização do objetivo.

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The author uses Logos, or logical appeal, in this part of the book by providing a clear and rational explanation of the concept of desire. He doesn't just state that desire is important, but explains why it is so, stating that it's an intense passion that motivates action. He further elaborates on the characteristics of a true desire, stating that it must be precisely defined and have a timeline, and that it should result in a specified good or service. This logical and detailed explanation serves to convince the reader of the importance and role of desire in achieving goals.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill emphasizes the principle of desire. He doesn't refer to a casual wish, but an intense passion that drives a person to action. For instance, if someone has a burning desire to start a successful business, they must define their goal precisely, such as aiming to open a chain of restaurants within five years. This goal must be specific, measurable, and time-bound to prevent it from becoming mere wishful thinking. The person must also identify what good or service will result from achieving this goal, like providing quality food and excellent service to customers.

Desire, as defined by Napoleon Hill in his book, is not a mere wish but a strong passion that drives a person to take action. It is the starting point of all achievement and a keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything. It is the intense emotion that pushes individuals to go beyond their comfort zones and strive for their goals.

Desire is not a vague longing, but a powerful force that can be harnessed and directed towards achieving specific goals. It is important to have a clear and precise understanding of what one desires, as this clarity can help to focus efforts and maintain motivation when faced with challenges.

Moreover, a desire should be time-bound. Having a timeline for achieving your desire gives a sense of urgency and can help in maintaining focus and motivation. It also provides a measure to track progress.

Lastly, the outcome of the desire should be specific. It could be a tangible good or a service, or it could be a personal achievement or satisfaction. The key is to know exactly what you want to achieve, which will guide your actions and decisions towards fulfilling your desire.

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Por exemplo, se alguém deseja enriquecer, comece decidindo a quantidade exata de dinheiro desejada e o que pode ser dado em troca desse dinheiro. Estabeleça uma data firme para alcançar o dinheiro e crie um plano. Escreva isso em uma declaração clara e leia em voz alta duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite. Este plano de ação deve ser revisado frequentemente para imprimi-lo na mente.

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2. Fé

"O que a mente pode conceber e acreditar, pode alcançar."

É essencial ter fé de que esse desejo se tornará realidade. Acreditar em algo negativo fará com que o subconsciente traduza a negatividade em realidade, sabotando o objetivo final. Em vez disso, a pessoa deve agir como se o desejo já tivesse sido alcançado e visualizar constantemente o sucesso. Repita o objetivo declarado com frequência e ele começará a soar verdadeiro. Os pensamentos devem ser monitorados para eliminar qualquer coisa que limite a si mesmo e substituir imagens negativas por afirmativas.

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The author uses Pathos, an appeal to the reader's emotions, in several places in the text.

Firstly, the author appeals to the reader's fear of failure by suggesting that negative thinking can sabotage their goals. This is a powerful emotional trigger as most people are afraid of failure.

Secondly, the author uses the reader's desire for success as a way to convince them to adopt a positive mindset. The idea of visualizing success and acting as if the desire has already been achieved is a strong emotional appeal.

Lastly, the author appeals to the reader's sense of self-improvement by suggesting that they need to monitor their thoughts and replace negative images with affirmative ones. This appeals to the reader's desire to improve themselves and their situation.

The author uses Ethos, an appeal to ethics, by establishing credibility and trust with the reader. This is done by providing advice on how to achieve success and emphasizing the importance of positive thinking. The author's use of phrases like 'essential to have faith', 'act as if the desire has already been achieved', and 'constantly visualize success' are all attempts to convince the reader of the author's understanding and knowledge of the subject matter. This ethical appeal is meant to persuade the reader to trust the author's advice and follow the suggested path to success.

The author uses Ethos, a rhetorical device that appeals to ethics and credibility, by positioning themselves as a knowledgeable guide in the realm of personal development and success. They provide advice on how to manage one's thoughts and emotions, suggesting a deep understanding of human psychology. This creates a sense of trust and credibility in the reader, making them more likely to accept the author's arguments.

The author also uses Ethos by promoting positive thinking and self-belief, values that are widely accepted and respected in society. By aligning their advice with these values, the author enhances their ethical appeal and persuades the reader to adopt the suggested mindset.

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3. Auto-sugestão

Autosugestão é a técnica de Hill para treinar a mente subconsciente a acreditar que se merece ser bem-sucedido. Declare o plano de ação em voz alta duas vezes ao dia e visualize-o. Se o desejo é por uma certa quantidade de dinheiro, imagine a quantia e declare como isso será alcançado. Leia o plano com frequência para memorizar todos os pontos. Esta é uma forma de meditação através da repetição constante.

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The author uses Logos, or logical appeal, in this part of the book by providing a systematic and logical method for achieving success. The method involves autosuggestion, stating the action plan out loud twice a day, visualizing it, and reading the plan often to memorize all the points. This logical process is designed to train the subconscious mind to believe in one's success. The author also suggests a specific way to visualize the desire for money, which adds to the logical appeal. This systematic approach appeals to the reader's sense of logic and reason, convincing them of the effectiveness of the method.

Improving English can be achieved through various methods.

Firstly, immerse yourself in the language. This can be done by reading books, watching English movies or shows, and listening to English music or podcasts.

Secondly, practice speaking English as much as possible. This can be done by joining English speaking clubs or finding a language exchange partner.

Thirdly, take English classes or use language learning apps. These can provide structured learning and regular practice.

Lastly, don't be afraid to make mistakes. They are part of the learning process. Always ask for feedback and learn from your errors.

Auto-suggestion is a psychological technique related to the placebo effect. It is a type of self-induced suggestion where individuals guide their own thoughts, feelings, or behavior. The technique is often used in self-help and psychotherapy.

The concept was popularized by Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich", where he proposed that the mind has a subconscious layer that can be trained to believe in one's success. This is done through repeated affirmations and visualizations.

The process involves stating a specific goal or plan out loud twice a day and visualizing it. This could be a desire for a certain amount of money, a career goal, or any other personal objective. The key is to be specific about what you want and how you plan to achieve it.

The repeated affirmations and visualizations are believed to influence the subconscious mind, which in turn influences behavior, habits, and actions. This is why auto-suggestion is often used in personal development and goal setting.

Remember, the effectiveness of auto-suggestion largely depends on the individual's belief and commitment to the process. It's not a magic solution, but a tool that can help you align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals.

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Estes três primeiros passos são o cerne da abordagem de Hill: desejo, fé (em si mesmo) e treinamento da mente subconsciente. Os princípios listados no restante do livro são essencialmente ferramentas para aplicar esses três passos.

"Se você não vê grandes riquezas em sua imaginação, nunca as verá em seu saldo bancário."

4. Conhecimento especializado

Hill afirma que ninguém enriquece com conhecimento geral. Para se tornar rico, é preciso focar no conhecimento específico que levará ao sucesso. Em termos modernos: desenvolva um nicho. Decida que tipo de conhecimento especializado é necessário para alcançar o desejo declarado e, em seguida, comece a buscar esse conhecimento. Isso pode ser na forma de educação adicional ou experiência. Ou, pode significar cercar-se de indivíduos conhecedores que podem aconselhar conforme necessário. No entanto, apenas adquirir o conhecimento não é suficiente. Também é importante aplicar o conhecimento especializado para ter sucesso.

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In his book "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill does not provide a specific story or example to demonstrate the power of specialized knowledge. Instead, he asserts the importance of it in general terms. He emphasizes that general knowledge is not enough to become wealthy. One must focus on acquiring and applying specialized knowledge in a specific niche. This could be through further education, experience, or by surrounding oneself with knowledgeable individuals. The key is not just gaining the knowledge, but also applying it effectively for success.

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5. Imaginação

Hill enfatiza a importância de adicionar imaginação ao conhecimento para enriquecer. Ele distingue dois tipos:

  • A imaginação sintética pega ideias, planos ou conceitos existentes e os rearranja em novas combinações.
  • A imaginação criativa, no entanto, cria algo novo do nada.

"Foi dito que o homem pode criar qualquer coisa que ele possa imaginar."

6. Planejamento organizado

O sucesso requer um plano concreto e uma aliança com outros para executar o plano. Este planejamento deve ser contínuo e persistente, e deve incluir uma avaliação anual do progresso.

"Você está envolvido em um empreendimento de grande importância para você. Para ter certeza de sucesso, você deve ter planos que são infalíveis."

O autor também distingue entre o líder e o seguidor. Para ser bem-sucedido, o plano deve incluir tornar-se um líder, uma pessoa que tem coragem, autocontrole e um forte senso de justiça, e que toma decisões firmes. Um líder também tem o hábito de fazer mais do que lhe foi pago, e está disposto a cooperar e assumir responsabilidades.

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The question you asked is not directly related to the provided content. The content discusses the qualities of a leader according to the author, but it does not mention any specific stories or examples used by Napoleon Hill in the chapter about organized planning in his book "Think and Grow Rich". Therefore, I cannot provide a specific answer to your question based on the given content. However, in general, Hill often used real-life examples of successful people to illustrate his principles.

The specific stories or examples that Napoleon Hill uses in the chapter about organized planning in his book "Think and Grow Rich" are not provided in the content, title, or description. However, Hill is known for using real-life examples of successful individuals to illustrate his principles. In the context of organized planning, he might have used examples of successful business leaders who demonstrated effective planning skills. These could include figures like Henry Ford or Thomas Edison, who were known for their meticulous planning and organization. Please refer to the specific chapter in the book for detailed examples.

The question you asked is not directly related to the content provided. The content discusses the qualities of a leader, not the use of stories or examples in a chapter about imagination. Therefore, I cannot provide specific examples or stories that Napoleon Hill used in the chapter about imagination in his book "Think and Grow Rich". However, generally speaking, Hill often used real-life examples of successful people to illustrate his points. He might have used stories of inventors, entrepreneurs, or other creative thinkers to demonstrate the power of imagination.

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7. Decisão

Sem exceção, todas as pessoas bem-sucedidas tomam decisões rapidamente. Isso não significa tomada de decisão impulsiva em nome da liderança. Pelo contrário, a capacidade de decidir rapidamente vem de saber o que se quer, e é essa capacidade que define os líderes. O autor também adverte contra o envolvimento de muitas pessoas no processo de tomada de decisão, pois elas podem exercer muita influência e podem não compartilhar a visão final.

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The term 'exert' generally means to apply or use (force, influence, etc.). In the context of the content provided, 'exert' refers to the act of applying influence or pressure. When it's said that people can 'exert too much influence', it means they can have too much sway or control over the decision-making process, potentially steering it in a direction that may not align with the final vision.

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Uma vez tomada, uma decisão deve ser alterada apenas lentamente. Uma pessoa bem-sucedida acredita fortemente em suas decisões, as torna concretas e as segue até o fim.

"O mundo tem o hábito de abrir espaço para o homem cujas palavras e ações mostram que ele sabe para onde está indo."


Hill afirma que, em muitos dos casos que estudou, a persistência foi um fator importante que diferenciava o sucesso do fracasso. Muitas pessoas desistem após encontrar obstáculos, mas o sucesso exige a disposição de persistir pelo tempo que for necessário. O autor descreve a persistência como um estado de espírito. Ela deve ser cultivada e aplicada a todos os princípios do livro para enriquecer.

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9. Poder da mente mestra

Este conceito pode parecer arcaico para os leitores modernos, pois o autor descreve os aspectos 'psíquicos' de se aliar a outros. Ele afirma que quando duas mentes se unem, uma terceira força intangível é criada, que ele chama de Mente Mestra. Em suma, Hill está dizendo que quando um grupo de indivíduos com ideias semelhantes trabalha junto, eles criam algo mais do que a soma de suas partes. Estar cercado por tais pessoas motivará o indivíduo a alcançar mais.

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The author, Napoleon Hill, uses Ethos in this part of the book "Think and Grow Rich" by leveraging his credibility and authority as a successful self-help author. He uses the concept of the 'Master Mind' to convince the reader about the power of collective thinking and collaboration. This is a form of Ethos as he is appealing to the reader's sense of trust in his expertise and experience. He is essentially saying, "Trust me, I know this because I have studied it and seen it work." This is a classic use of Ethos to persuade the reader to accept his argument.

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10. O mistério da transmutação sexual

Hill declara que o desejo sexual é o desejo humano mais poderoso. Para ser bem-sucedido, é essencial redirecionar esse desejo da expressão física para um propósito mais produtivo.

"Quando impulsionados por esse desejo, os homens desenvolvem agudeza de imaginação, coragem, força de vontade, persistência e habilidade criativa desconhecidas para eles em outros momentos."

Este é um dos princípios mais controversos do autor, não menos por seu foco em homens bem-sucedidos, que Hill descreve como frequentemente 'altamente sexuados'. Eles raramente se tornam verdadeiramente bem-sucedidos até mais tarde na vida, quando estão menos focados em mulheres e, em vez disso, direcionam sua energia sexual para empreendimentos criativos.

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Sexual transmutation is a concept that was popularized by Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich". It refers to the process of converting sexual energy into other forms of energy, such as creativity or productivity. The idea is that sexual energy is a powerful force that can be harnessed and redirected towards achieving goals and ambitions.

Hill believed that many successful people, particularly men, were highly sexed and that they were able to achieve success by channeling their sexual energy into their work or creative pursuits. This is not to say that they suppressed their sexual desires, but rather that they found a way to use this energy in a productive manner.

It's important to note that this concept is not scientifically proven and is more of a philosophical or psychological idea. It's also not about celibacy or abstinence, but about harnessing and redirecting energy.

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11 e 12. A mente subconsciente e o cérebro

A mente subconsciente é muito poderosa e sempre ativa. Portanto, é importante preenchê-la com imagens, pensamentos e emoções positivas, e não negativas. O medo é incompatível com o princípio da fé e minará a autoconfiança.

Hill tem uma teoria bastante estranha da mente coletiva mundial, algo que cada indivíduo pode acessar e receber imagens de outros. Ele também tem uma sugestão prática para uma rotina diária de visualização de sucesso, especialmente ao acordar e antes de adormecer, para treinar a mente subconsciente a se concentrar nos aspectos positivos. Fazer isso permite que a mente subconsciente entregue faíscas de inspiração, essencialmente mensagens para a mente consciente.

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The author, Napoleon Hill, uses Ethos in this part of the book "Think and Grow Rich" by establishing his credibility and authority on the subject of personal success and achievement. He does this by introducing his unique theory of the collective world mind and providing practical suggestions for a daily routine of envisaging success. This use of Ethos is intended to convince the reader of the validity of his ideas and methods, and to inspire trust in his expertise and experience.

The question you've asked is not directly related to the content provided. The content does not mention or imply the use of Ethos by the author in the book "Think and Grow Rich". Therefore, it's not possible to identify 3 places where the author uses Ethos based on the given information. However, in general, authors often use Ethos, which is an appeal to ethics, by establishing their credibility or character in an attempt to persuade the audience. They may do this by demonstrating their expertise, sharing personal experiences, or expressing their commitment to the topic.

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13. O sexto sentido

O autor retrata o Sexto Sentido como "aquela parte da mente subconsciente que foi referida como a Imaginação Criativa." Embora expresso em uma linguagem um tanto mística sobre a 'Mente Universal' e a 'Inteligência Infinita', Hill está falando sobre intuição ou sensação visceral.A maneira de liberar o poder do Sexto Sentido é desenvolver um desejo apaixonado, ter fé no resultado, preencher o subconsciente com pensamentos positivos e manter planos detalhados para o caminho do sucesso.

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Embora alguns dos conceitos do autor possam parecer extravagantes para os leitores modernos, seu ênfase no poder da mente subconsciente estava à frente de seu tempo.Existem muitos aforismos neste livro que são valiosos conselhos sobre como ser bem-sucedido:

  • O sucesso começa com a vontade de um homem; tudo está no estado de espírito
  • Você precisa ter certeza de si mesmo antes de poder ganhar um prêmio
  • O homem que vence é o homem que acredita que pode!

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