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Organice las tareas y entregables de su equipo con un claro Estructura de Desglose del Trabajo (EDT) de Trabajo. Como una de las herramientas de gestión de proyectos más importantes, la Estructura de Desglose de Trabajo ayuda a diseñar y visualizar los Quiénes y los Qué con niveles y jerarquías fáciles de seguir. La Estructura de Desglose de Trabajo ayuda a los gerentes de proyecto a identificar actividades clave y recursos para realizar entregables exitosos.

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A construction project could greatly benefit from a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The WBS would help in breaking down the project into manageable chunks, such as design, procurement, construction, and inspection. Each of these chunks can be further broken down into tasks. For example, the construction chunk could be broken down into foundation, framing, roofing, etc. This helps in better resource allocation, risk identification, and project tracking.

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) contributes to successful deliverables in a project by providing a clear and organized structure of tasks and deliverables. It helps in visualizing the tasks, identifying key activities, and allocating resources effectively. This ensures that all tasks are accounted for and that they are completed in a systematic and efficient manner, leading to successful deliverables.

The key components of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) include the project objective, deliverable-oriented groupings, and work packages. The project objective is the highest level of the WBS and defines the overall outcome of the project. Deliverable-oriented groupings break down the project into smaller, manageable parts. Work packages are the smallest unit of the WBS and represent the tasks needed to complete a deliverable.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

La WBS basada en fases tradicional aplica un enfoque jerárquico a las actividades del proyecto para ayudarte a priorizar las tareas.

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Elabore sobre las actividades clave con un mini rastreador de progreso para enfocarse en detalles adicionales a través de las tareas.

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Un WBS basado en entregables se enfoca en qué recursos son necesarios para cada entregable a través de secciones de trabajo y actividades.

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A mini progress tracker can enhance the effectiveness of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) by providing additional details across tasks. It allows for a more granular view of the progress of each task, helping to identify any potential bottlenecks or delays in the project. This can lead to more accurate project planning and better resource allocation.

Typically, the resources needed for each deliverable in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) include human resources (team members with the necessary skills and expertise), physical resources (such as materials, equipment, and facilities), and intangible resources (like software, data, and information). These resources are identified and allocated based on the nature and requirements of each deliverable.

A deliverable-based Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) focuses on the outputs of the project rather than the activities needed to produce them. It breaks down the project into smaller components based on the deliverables. This approach allows for a clear visualization of what resources are needed for each deliverable across different work sections and activities. It helps in better resource allocation, risk assessment, and project control.

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El primer paso en el desarrollo de un programa de proyecto define el trabajo a completar y en qué orden para alcanzar los objetivos del proyecto. Una buena Estructura de Desglose de Trabajo también puede funcionar al revés. Permite a un gerente de proyecto trabajar hacia atrás e identificar los pasos exactos y los componentes necesarios si ya tienen un objetivo para las entregas finales.

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A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) assists in organizing a team's tasks and deliverables by breaking down the project into manageable sections. It helps in defining the work to be completed and the order in which it should be done to achieve the project goals. It also allows a project manager to work backward and identify the exact steps and components needed if they already have a goal for final deliverables. This way, it provides a clear visualization of the project's structure, making it easier for the team to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Visualizing tasks and deliverables with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has several benefits. Firstly, it helps in defining and organizing the scope of the project by breaking down its major components into smaller, more manageable parts. This makes it easier to understand and manage. Secondly, it provides a clear and detailed overview of the project's tasks and deliverables, making it easier to allocate resources and responsibilities. Thirdly, it helps in identifying potential risks and issues early in the project, allowing for proactive risk management. Lastly, it serves as a foundation for project planning, scheduling, budgeting, and cost control.

Yes, a project manager can work backward using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This approach is particularly useful when the final deliverables are already known. The project manager can start with the end goal and then identify the necessary steps and components to achieve that goal. This process involves breaking down the final deliverable into smaller, manageable tasks and organizing them in a hierarchical structure. This reverse engineering of tasks helps in visualizing the path to the goal and ensures that no critical tasks are overlooked.

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Una EDD bien construida puede ayudar a todo el proceso de gestión de proyectos, extendiéndose a decisiones relacionadas con el proyecto como el análisis de costo-beneficio, cómo asignar recursos y la evaluación de riesgos del proyecto.

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Desglose de alto nivel

Comenzamos con un Desglose de Trabajo de Alto Nivel de las fases típicas del proyecto. En este ejemplo, las fases son planificación, análisis, diseño, construcción, prueba y puesta en marcha. Cada equipo de proyecto opera de manera diferente, por lo que debe incorporar sus propias actividades clave en cada fase. ¿Cómo se ve la planificación para su equipo? ¿Y el análisis? Etc. (Diapositiva 2)

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The typical project phases in a High-Level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) usually include: planning, analysis, design, build, test, and go live. However, these phases can vary depending on the specific project and the team's operations. Each phase involves key activities that are unique to that phase.

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can be customized for different project teams by identifying the unique tasks and deliverables of each team. This involves understanding the specific roles, responsibilities, and processes of each team. The WBS should then be structured in a way that reflects these unique characteristics. This could involve different tiers and hierarchies, depending on the complexity and nature of the team's tasks. It's also important to involve team members in the creation of the WBS to ensure it accurately represents their work and is useful for them.

Visualizing tasks and deliverables using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has several benefits. Firstly, it provides a clear and detailed overview of the project's scope, making it easier to understand and manage. Secondly, it helps in identifying and assigning responsibilities, ensuring that every task has an owner. Thirdly, it aids in estimating costs and resources, as each task can be broken down into smaller, manageable parts. Lastly, it facilitates communication and understanding among the team, as everyone can see the big picture and their role in it.

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Tipos de WBS

Existen dos tipos de diagramas de Estructura de Desglose del Trabajo (EDT): basados en fases y basados en entregables. El gráfico típico de la Estructura de Desglose del Trabajo es basado en fases y se asemeja a un diagrama de árbol. El nivel superior es el título del proyecto, el entregable final, o incluso una nueva característica. El segundo nivel es la cuenta de control. La siguiente fila es la sección de paquetes de trabajo, donde se enumeran los grupos de tareas que conducen a su cuenta de control. Finalmente, está la sección de actividades clave donde se enumeran y agrupan las tareas necesarias para completar el paquete de trabajo (Diapositiva 3-4)

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Implementing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can present several challenges. Firstly, defining tasks too broadly or too narrowly can lead to confusion and inefficiency. To overcome this, ensure tasks are defined with enough detail to be manageable but not so much that they become overwhelming. Secondly, changes in project scope can disrupt the WBS. Regularly review and update the WBS to reflect any changes. Lastly, lack of team understanding or buy-in can hinder the effectiveness of the WBS. To mitigate this, involve the team in the creation of the WBS and provide training on its use and benefits.

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) enhances a team's project management strategy by providing a clear and organized visual representation of tasks and deliverables. It breaks down the project into manageable sections, making it easier for the team to understand and execute. The WBS can be phase-based or deliverable-based, allowing for flexibility in project planning. It helps in identifying key activities and work packages, which can improve efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, it facilitates better resource allocation, risk management, and cost estimation.

The key components of a typical Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) chart include the project title or final deliverable at the top level, followed by the control accounts. The next level consists of work packages, which are groups of tasks that lead to your control accounts. The final level includes key activities, which are tasks needed to complete the work package. These components are organized in a hierarchical manner, resembling a tree diagram.

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Diseño alternativo

Un diseño de tabla de Estructura de Desglose del Trabajo permite espacio para actividades más detalladas que corresponden a cada fase. Esta tabla de Estructura de Desglose del Trabajo incluye medidas cuantitativas como la duración del tiempo y los recursos necesarios para completar cada tarea. Esto puede ser fácilmente sustituido por entradas cualitativas si se necesita más descripción. (Diapositiva 5)

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Para un detalle aún más fino, una tabla de tareas WBS más descriptiva es útil. Desglose el trabajo por categoría de tarea, descripciones, entregables, fecha límite y miembro del equipo responsable de cada tarea. (Diapositiva 6)

Por otro lado, un enfoque de EDD más simplificado puede ser útil para una visión general de alto nivel. Esto ayuda a alinear las listas de tareas con viñetas a través de las principales fases con espacio para asignar la tarea y el miembro del equipo responsable (Diapositiva 7)

En esta combinación de tabla y diagrama de árbol WBS, complete los fundamentos del proyecto en la parte superior, luego proporcione una vista más de alto nivel de la cuenta de controles, paquetes de trabajo y actividades correspondientes. (Diapositiva 8)

En esta vista alternativa de un gráfico de Desglose de Trabajo de izquierda a derecha, enumeramos cada nivel de WBS en la parte inferior. Esto significa que la imagen general cae a la izquierda, con detalles más afinados a seguir a medida que nos movemos hacia la derecha. (Diapositiva 15)

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Seguimiento de progreso

Dado que los diagramas de Estructura de Desglose del Trabajo (WBS) pueden ser densos y difíciles de ajustar demasiada información, tener una forma de resaltar tareas particulares puede ser útil. Utilice un mini rastreador de progreso para elaborar sobre el estado y detalles del proyecto. Use barras de progreso para resaltar los pasos hacia la finalización en características específicas (Diapositiva 10). Alternativamente, también se puede utilizar un gráfico de barras para mostrar más detalles impulsados por datos. (Diapositiva 11)

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WBS basado en entregables

Un WBS basado en entregables es útil para definir qué recursos necesita cada fase para ser completada. A diferencia del típico diagrama basado en fases que hemos visto hasta ahora, este WBS basado en entregables tiene una visualización de izquierda a derecha. En este ejemplo, el WBS basado en entregables nos ayuda a determinar las horas y el presupuesto para cada tarea (Diapositiva 14)

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