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Краткое содержание

Организуйте задачи и результаты вашей команды с помощью четкой Структуры Разбиения Работы Структура разбиения работ (WBS). Являясь одним из наиболее важных инструментов управления проектами, WBS помогает проектировать и визуализировать Кто и Что с помощью легко прослеживаемых уровней и иерархий. WBS помогает менеджерам проектов определить ключевые действия и ресурсы для успешного выполнения задач.

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A construction project could greatly benefit from a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The WBS would help in breaking down the project into manageable chunks, such as design, procurement, construction, and inspection. Each of these chunks can be further broken down into tasks. For example, the construction chunk could be broken down into foundation, framing, roofing, etc. This helps in better resource allocation, risk identification, and project tracking.

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) contributes to successful deliverables in a project by providing a clear and organized structure of tasks and deliverables. It helps in visualizing the tasks, identifying key activities, and allocating resources effectively. This ensures that all tasks are accounted for and that they are completed in a systematic and efficient manner, leading to successful deliverables.

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Основные моменты слайда

Традиционная фазовая WBS применяет иерархический подход к деятельности проекта, чтобы помочь вам приоритизировать задачи.

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Расширьте ключевые действия с помощью мини-трекера прогресса, чтобы сосредоточиться на дополнительных деталях по задачам.

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WBS, основанная на результате, увеличивает масштаб того, какие ресурсы необходимы для каждого результата в разделах работы и деятельности.

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A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a visual representation of the project's scope, breaking it down into manageable sections. Here's an example of a WBS for a hypothetical project of organizing a business conference:

1. Project Management
1.1. Define objectives
1.2. Develop project plan
1.3. Manage project execution

2. Venue and Logistics
2.1. Select venue
2.2. Arrange catering
2.3. Organize transportation

3. Speakers and Agenda
3.1. Identify speakers
3.2. Set agenda
3.3. Coordinate with speakers

4. Marketing and Registration
4.1. Develop marketing plan
4.2. Execute marketing activities
4.3. Manage registration process

Each of these sections can be further broken down into more detailed tasks. This WBS helps in understanding the project's scope, assigning responsibilities, and tracking progress.

Breaking down a project into work packages, sub-tasks, and deliverables involves a few key steps:

First, define the project's scope. This includes the project's objectives, deliverables, and expected outcomes.

Next, identify the major deliverables or outcomes of the project. These are the high-level results that the project aims to achieve.

Then, break down these major deliverables into smaller, more manageable work packages. These are the tasks or activities that need to be completed to achieve each deliverable.

Further, break down these work packages into sub-tasks. These are the specific actions that need to be taken to complete each work package.

Finally, assign each sub-task to a team member or a group of team members. This ensures that every part of the project has a responsible party.

Remember, the goal of this process is to make the project more manageable and to ensure that every task is accounted for. It also helps in tracking progress and identifying potential issues early on.

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Первый шаг в разработке графика проекта определяет работу, которую необходимо выполнить и в каком порядке, чтобы достичь целей проекта. Хорошо построенная Структура Разбиения Работы также может работать в обратном направлении. Она позволяет менеджеру проекта работать в обратном порядке и определить точные шаги и компоненты, необходимые, если у них уже есть цель для окончательных результатов.

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A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) assists in organizing a team's tasks and deliverables by breaking down the project into manageable sections. It helps in defining the work to be completed and the order in which it should be done to achieve the project goals. It also allows a project manager to work backward and identify the exact steps and components needed if they already have a goal for final deliverables. This way, it provides a clear visualization of the project's structure, making it easier for the team to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Visualizing tasks and deliverables with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has several benefits. Firstly, it helps in defining and organizing the scope of the project by breaking down its major components into smaller, more manageable parts. This makes it easier to understand and manage. Secondly, it provides a clear and detailed overview of the project's tasks and deliverables, making it easier to allocate resources and responsibilities. Thirdly, it helps in identifying potential risks and issues early in the project, allowing for proactive risk management. Lastly, it serves as a foundation for project planning, scheduling, budgeting, and cost control.

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Хорошо построенная WBS может помочь всему процессу управления проектом, распространяясь на решения, связанные с проектом, такие как анализ затрат и выгод, как распределить ресурсы и оценка рисков проекта.


Высокоуровневое разбиение

Мы начинаем с высокоуровневого разбиения работы на типичные фазы проекта. В этом примере фазами являются планирование, анализ, дизайн, строительство, тестирование и внедрение. Каждая проектная команда работает по-своему, поэтому включите ваши ключевые действия на каждой фазе. Как выглядит планирование для вашей команды? Что насчет анализа? И т.д. (Слайд 2)

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The typical project phases in a High-Level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) usually include: planning, analysis, design, build, test, and go live. However, these phases can vary depending on the specific project and the team's operations. Each phase involves key activities that are unique to that phase.

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can be customized for different project teams by identifying the unique tasks and deliverables of each team. This involves understanding the specific roles, responsibilities, and processes of each team. The WBS should then be structured in a way that reflects these unique characteristics. This could involve different tiers and hierarchies, depending on the complexity and nature of the team's tasks. It's also important to involve team members in the creation of the WBS to ensure it accurately represents their work and is useful for them.

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Типы WBS

Существует два типа диаграмм WBS: основанные на фазах и основанные на результате. Типичная диаграмма структуры разбиения работы основана на фазах и напоминает диаграмму дерева. Верхний уровень - это название проекта, окончательный результат или даже новая функция. Второй уровень - это учет контроля. Следующий ряд - это раздел рабочих пакетов, где перечислены группы задач, которые ведут к вашему учету контроля. Наконец, есть раздел ключевых действий, где перечислены и сгруппированы задачи, необходимые для завершения рабочего пакета (Слайды 3-4)

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A typical rating task generally consists of several components:

1. The Object to be Rated: This is the product, service, or individual that is being evaluated.

2. The Rating Scale: This is the scale used to measure the quality or performance of the object. It could be numerical (1-5, 1-10), descriptive (poor, average, excellent), or binary (yes/no).

3. The Criteria: These are the specific aspects or features of the object that are being evaluated. For example, in a product review, the criteria might include quality, value for money, and ease of use.

4. The Rater: This is the person or group of people who are performing the evaluation. They could be experts in the field, customers, or a combination of both.

5. The Feedback: This is the result of the rating task, which could be a score, a written review, or both. It provides valuable information for improvement and decision-making.

Remember, the design of a rating task can greatly influence the quality and usefulness of the feedback received.

A typical rating task in a business context usually involves several components:

1. Criteria: These are the specific aspects or dimensions that the task will be rated on. They should be clearly defined and relevant to the task at hand.

2. Scale: This is the range of possible scores that can be assigned to each criterion. It could be numerical (e.g., 1-5) or descriptive (e.g., poor to excellent).

3. Rater: This is the person or group of people who will be performing the rating. They should be knowledgeable about the task and the criteria.

4. Feedback: This is the information that is provided to the person or team whose task is being rated. It should be constructive and help them understand how they can improve.

5. Review: This is a process of revisiting the rating after a certain period to see if improvements have been made.

Remember, the goal of a rating task is not just to evaluate performance, but also to identify areas for improvement and provide feedback that helps individuals or teams to grow and develop.

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Альтернативная схема

Табличная схема WBS позволяет уделить больше внимания детализированным действиям, соответствующим каждой фазе. Эта табличная WBS включает количественные измеримые показатели, такие как продолжительность времени и ресурсы, необходимые для выполнения каждой задачи. Это может легко быть заменено на качественные вводные данные, если требуется больше описания.(Слайд 5)

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A table layout of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) contributes to detailed planning of each phase in project management by providing a structured view of all the tasks and deliverables. It allows for more detailed activities that correspond to each phase. This includes quantitative measurables like the duration of time and resources needed to complete each task. It can also accommodate qualitative inputs if more description is needed. This detailed view helps in better planning, allocation of resources, and tracking of project progress.

Quantitative and qualitative inputs can enhance the effectiveness of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) by providing more detailed and comprehensive information about each task. Quantitative inputs, such as the duration of time and resources needed, can help in planning and allocating resources efficiently. On the other hand, qualitative inputs can provide more descriptive details about the tasks, which can help in understanding the nature and requirements of the tasks better. Together, they can help in creating a more accurate and effective WBS.

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Для более детального описания полезна таблица задач WBS с более подробным описанием. Разбейте работу по категориям задач, описаниям, результатам, срокам и ответственному за каждую задачу. (Слайд 6)

С другой стороны, более упрощенный подход WBS может быть полезен для обзора на высоком уровне. Это помогает согласовать списки задач по основным фазам с возможностью назначить задачу и ответственного за нее. (Слайд 7)

В этом сочетании таблицы и дерева диаграммы WBS заполните основные данные проекта в верхней части, затем предоставьте более общий обзор учета контроля, рабочих пакетов и соответствующих действий. (Слайд 8)

В этом альтернативном виде диаграммы WBS слева направо мы перечисляем каждый уровень WBS внизу. Это означает, что общая картина находится слева, с более детализированными деталями, которые следуют по мере перемещения вправо. (Слайд 15)

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Трекер прогресса

Поскольку диаграммы WBS могут быть плотными и сложно вместить слишком много информации, возможность выделить определенные задачи может быть полезной. Используйте мини-трекер прогресса для детализации статуса проекта и деталей.Используйте индикаторы прогресса для выделения шагов к завершению конкретных функций (Слайд 10). В качестве альтернативы, также можно использовать столбчатую диаграмму для демонстрации более подробных данных. (Слайд 11)

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While specific case studies are not provided in the content, it's widely recognized in project management that bar graphs in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can effectively present data-driven details. They can visually represent the progress of different tasks, making it easier for team members to understand the status of the project. They can also highlight any delays or issues in a clear, easy-to-understand format. This visual representation can aid in decision-making and resource allocation, ultimately leading to more efficient project management.

The use of progress bars in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) enhances the visualization of project status by providing a clear and concise representation of the progress of individual tasks. It allows team members and stakeholders to easily see how much of a particular task has been completed and how much is left to do. This can help in identifying any delays or issues in the project early on, allowing for timely intervention. Furthermore, it can motivate team members by visually demonstrating the progress they are making towards the completion of their tasks.

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WBS, основанный на результате

WBS, основанный на результате, полезен для определения, какие ресурсы необходимы для выполнения каждой фазы. В отличие от типичной диаграммы, основанной на фазах, которую мы видели до сих пор, этот WBS, основанный на результате, имеет визуализацию слева направо.В этом примере, WBS, основанный на результате, помогает нам определить часы и бюджет для каждой задачи (Слайд 14)

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In the engineering industry, a deliverable-based Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has several practical applications. It helps in defining the resources required for each phase of a project, thus aiding in effective resource allocation and management. It provides a clear visualization of tasks and deliverables, making it easier to estimate the hours and budget for each task. This can lead to more accurate project scheduling and budgeting. Additionally, a deliverable-based WBS can enhance communication and understanding among project team members by clearly outlining the project's scope and deliverables.

Common challenges in applying a deliverable-based Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) include: difficulty in defining deliverables, risk of overlooking tasks, and complexity in estimating resources and time. These can be overcome by: clearly defining deliverables at the start, involving team members in the WBS creation to ensure all tasks are included, and using historical data or expert judgment for resource and time estimation.

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