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Using Microsoft Word to edit your resume is incredibly tedious. That is why we created a number of Visual Resumes in Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. Now you can edit your resume with pixel-perfect precision. Even if you're not changing jobs, it is always good to have an updated resume to share within and outside your organization. Easily add animations and change the color to fit your organization.

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Using Microsoft Word to edit your resume can be considered tedious due to its limited design capabilities. It lacks the flexibility and creative freedom offered by other software like Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. These platforms allow for more customization, including the ability to add animations and change colors, providing a more visually appealing and personalized resume.

Editing your resume with pixel-perfect precision can significantly improve its quality by ensuring that every detail is accurate and well-presented. This level of precision allows you to present information in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner. It also enables you to customize your resume to fit specific job applications, thereby increasing your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. Furthermore, it allows you to easily add animations and change colors to fit your organization, making your resume more engaging and professional.

Keeping your resume updated even if you're not changing jobs is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you keep track of your accomplishments and skills, which can be useful for performance reviews or when seeking a promotion. Secondly, it ensures you're always ready for unexpected opportunities that may arise, such as a job offer or a networking event. Lastly, regularly updating your resume allows you to refine and improve it over time, making it stronger for when you do decide to job hunt.

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A visual resume is a powerful tool in your applicant toolbox and a great alternative way to showcase your work experiences, as well as professional and interpersonal skills with more zing and aesthetic stimulants. This doesn't mean, however, that visual resumes are limited to the artistic professionals' world. Anyone can highlight their job history with colors and graphics and stand out to recruiters.

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There are several tools you can use to create an effective visual resume. Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides are some of the popular ones. These tools allow you to edit your resume with pixel-perfect precision. Other online tools like Canva, Visme, and are also great for creating visually appealing resumes. Remember, the goal is to highlight your job history with colors and graphics to stand out to recruiters.

You can use colors and graphics in your visual resume to highlight your job history by creating a timeline or a flowchart. Use different colors for different jobs or roles to make it visually appealing and easy to understand. Graphics can be used to represent the duration of each job or the importance of each role. Make sure the colors and graphics you use align with the overall theme and design of your resume. Remember, the goal is to make your job history stand out, not to overwhelm the reader with too much information or too many visuals.

No, visual resumes are not only suitable for artistic professionals. They can be used by anyone to highlight their job history with colors and graphics, making their resume stand out to recruiters.

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The process of building your visual resume provides many opportunities to be original and creative. In preparation for developing your new master document with slides and to stay "on your brand," you can, first, make inspiration boards and explore color palettes, using tools, such as Adobe Color Wheel.

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Using slides in a visual resume has several benefits. Firstly, it allows for a more engaging and interactive presentation of your skills and experiences. It can help to grab the attention of the hiring manager and make your resume stand out from the rest. Secondly, slides offer a great deal of flexibility in terms of design and layout. You can easily adjust the content and format to best highlight your strengths. Lastly, using slides can also demonstrate your proficiency in using modern digital tools, which is a valuable skill in many professions.

Inspiration boards can be used in the process of creating a visual resume to help you brainstorm and visualize your personal brand. They can be filled with images, colors, fonts, and layouts that resonate with your style and professional goals. This can help you to establish a consistent color palette and visual theme for your resume. They can also serve as a reference point while designing your resume, ensuring that the final product is cohesive and visually appealing.

Staying on brand when creating a visual resume is important because it helps to create a consistent image of yourself. This consistency can make you more memorable to potential employers. It also shows that you have a clear understanding of your personal brand and how to communicate it effectively. This can be particularly important in creative industries, where visual branding is often a key part of the job.

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Also, keep the following guidelines in mind when working on your visual resume slides:

Content is king

The aesthetic component of your resume should in no way overshine the content. Your resume details must always include the core information: your name and professional title, skills and previous experiences, as well as education. You can also choose to add other content, such as brief quotes from your previous employers' recommendations, your volunteer work history or hobbies. But most importantly, use tons of figures and numbers in your bullet points.

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Using figures and numbers in the bullet points of a resume is recommended because it provides concrete evidence of your achievements and skills. Instead of vaguely stating that you improved a process or increased sales, using numbers can show exactly what you accomplished, such as "increased sales by 20% in the first quarter". This makes your resume more compelling and gives potential employers a clear understanding of your capabilities.

Including volunteer work history or hobbies in a resume can provide potential employers with a more comprehensive view of your skills, interests, and experiences. Volunteer work can demonstrate your commitment to community service and can highlight skills that may not be evident from your professional work history. Hobbies can show your passion, creativity, and dedication, which can be attractive to employers. However, it's important to ensure that these additions are relevant to the job you're applying for.

Quotes from previous employers' recommendations can be used in a resume to highlight your skills, work ethic, and achievements. They can be included in the 'Experience' section under the relevant job, or in a separate 'Recommendations' or 'Testimonials' section. Make sure to choose quotes that are specific, relevant, and add value to your resume. Always ask for permission from the person you're quoting and keep the quotes brief and impactful.

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Here is a piece of advice from the author of "Show Your Work," Austin Kleon: "Strike all the adjectives from your bio. If you take photos, you're not an 'aspiring' photographer, you're not an 'amazing' photographer either. You're a photographer. Don't get cute. Don't brag. Just state the facts."

Structure matters

Your visual resume should be easy to navigate and read, but you can also be strategic with the layout of your information, like placing your most valuable or rare skills at the top of the document, for instance. In fact, a visual resume allows more room for previous experiences, compared to a traditional text resume, in case you have extensive work history.

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Keeping an updated resume is important even if you're not changing jobs because it helps you keep track of your professional growth and achievements. It's easy to forget the details of projects you've worked on or skills you've acquired over time. An updated resume serves as a record of your career progression. Additionally, opportunities can arise unexpectedly, and having an updated resume ready can save you time and stress.

A visual resume can be beneficial for individuals with extensive work history in several ways. Firstly, it allows more room for previous experiences compared to a traditional text resume. This means you can include more details about your past roles and achievements. Secondly, a visual resume can be strategically designed to highlight the most valuable or rare skills at the top of the document, immediately catching the attention of potential employers. Lastly, a visual resume is more engaging and memorable, which can help you stand out in a competitive job market.

There are several tools that can be used to create a visual resume. Some of the popular ones include Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. These tools allow you to edit your resume with pixel-perfect precision. Other tools like Canva and Adobe Spark also offer templates and design elements that can help you create a visually appealing resume. Remember, the goal of a visual resume is to make it easy to navigate and read, while strategically placing your most valuable or rare skills at the top.

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Mention your portfolio (if applicable)

If you have a portfolio, make sure to include a link to it and some examples of your work in your visual resume. Visual resumes are perfect for showcasing your creative projects and you can do so in the header, on the margins or at the bottom of your document.

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Case study

Marissa Mayer, former CEO, Yahoo

Mayer clearly has an impressive background as former Vice President of Location and Local Services and VP of Search Products and UX, and President and CEO of Yahoo. Notice that her resume perfectly reflects her personal brand of a "businesswoman and a proud geek." It also has a lot of white space and includes some intriguing, yet relative to her professional experience sections, such as "Most Proud Of" and "My Time," which allowed Mayer to elevate the level of her professionalism even more.

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