The book Freakonomics does not specifically mention companies that have implemented the practices outlined in it. However, the principles of economic thinking and data analysis presented in the book are widely used in various industries. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Netflix, for example, heavily rely on data analysis to make strategic decisions, which is a key theme in Freakonomics. These companies analyze large amounts of data to understand customer behavior, improve their products and services, and ultimately increase their profitability.

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Author Steven Levitt, working with journalist Stephen Dubner, shows how economic theories can be used to analyze social issues. Each of the six essays...

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The author looks at eight hypotheses that might explain the marked drop in crime in America in the 1990s, such as new policing strategies, new gun-control laws, and the role of capital punishment. However, none of these hypotheses can be proven with the data. Instead, the author concludes that the primary reasons for the drop in crime were an increased incarceration rate, more police officers, and the legalization of abortion.

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A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in Freakonomics by using economic theories to analyze and solve their problems. For instance, they can use data analysis to identify inefficiencies in their production process, or use economic principles to optimize their supply chain. They can also apply the concept of thinking differently and challenging conventional wisdom to innovate and improve their products and processes.

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