Yes, a prime example of a company that has successfully implemented the digital hub strategy is Apple. The iPod, which was the first device to emerge from this strategy, dominated the market and drove Macintosh sales. Apple's implementation of the digital hub strategy associated the brand with innovation and youth, and significantly boosted their revenues.

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Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography

What principles made Steve Jobs one of the greatest inventors and product visionaries of the 21st century? Biographer Walter Isaacson raises the curt...

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The iPod was the first device that emerged from the digital hub strategy. Music players in the 2000's were incredibly complicated to use and could hold only a dozen songs. The iPod held a thousand songs and was stunningly easy to use. Jobs had a simple mantra to ensure design simplicity: No song or function can take over three intuitive user-clicks. Jobs moved $75 million of the marketing budget to the iPod, outspending his competitors a hundred times over. He believed that the iPod would associate Apple with innovation and youth, spurring the sales of all products. Apple completely dominated the market, and iPod sales drove Macintosh sales. By January 2007, iPod sales were half of Apple's revenues.

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The most innovative ideas presented in Steve Jobs' digital hub strategy were the creation of the iPod and the shift of a significant portion of the marketing budget towards it. The iPod was a revolutionary product that held a thousand songs and was incredibly easy to use, contrasting with the complicated music players of the time that could only hold a dozen songs. Jobs also moved $75 million of the marketing budget to the iPod, outspending his competitors by a large margin. This strategy not only dominated the market but also drove Macintosh sales, associating Apple with innovation and youth.

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