Yes, there are several examples of companies that have successfully implemented skeuomorphic designs in their products. One of the most notable examples is Apple, which used skeuomorphic designs extensively in the early versions of iOS. The design elements like the bookshelf in iBooks, the leather stitching in Calendar, and the reel-to-reel tape deck in Podcasts are all examples of skeuomorphism. Another example is Microsoft with its desktop interface, which uses icons like the trash can and folders, resembling real-world objects to make the user interface more intuitive.

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Skeuomorphic is the name given to something new to resemble something old, like early plastics that resembled wood. Skeuomorphic designs can be useful conceptual models that aid learning; recall the example of 'folders' and 'files' in your computer's hard drive. This makes it easy for users to know what's happened.

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A manufacturing company can apply the principles of human-centered design by focusing on the needs, capabilities, and behaviors of the end users. This could involve conducting user research to understand their needs and pain points, and then designing products that address these issues. The company could also use prototyping and iterative testing to refine the product based on user feedback. Additionally, the company could apply the concept of skeuomorphic design, making new products resemble familiar ones to aid user understanding and learning.

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