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A company can use its positioning to identify customer pain points by understanding its unique value proposition and how it addresses the needs and challenges of its target market. This involves reviewing buyer personas and understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points. The company's positioning should be aligned with these insights to effectively address the customer's problems and provide solutions. This process can help the company to identify the key pain points that its product or service can solve.
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Use this slide to provide important information about the leverage your venture has over the competition. A unique geographic location, access to special resources, exceptional talent all fall under this category. This slide will aid you in introducing the problem your company is trying to solve with your product or a customer pain point it is trying to relieve. Review your buyer personas or positioning to exactly identify these pains. This slide should clearly state what your start-up does to solve the customer's problem or relieve the customer's pain point. Now connect your solutions directly to the problems you identified in the previous slide.
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