A leader can support an over-stretched staff without compromising on creativity by fostering a culture of collaboration and camaraderie, similar to what Catmull experienced at the University of Utah. This involves challenging each other to reach new heights while maintaining a supportive and cooperative environment. It's also important to balance the demand for more output with the need for quality, efficiency, and productivity. This could involve implementing strategies to manage workload, providing resources for creative inspiration, and ensuring that staff have the time and space they need to be creative.

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Catmull had been heavily influenced by his time at the University of Utah, surrounded by inspirational professors and inventive classmates. They challenged one another to new heights of computer science and maintained a culture of collaboration and camaraderie. An entire year went by after "Toy Story" before he realized what his next professional aspiration would be. He was motivated by the challenge of creating a like-minded culture at his growing company, Pixar. How could Pixar continue to produce grade-A content while balancing the increasing demand for more movies? How could Catmull, as their leader, support an over-stretched staff while also maintaining efficiency, productivity and creativity?

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Catmull's experiences at the University of Utah greatly influenced his leadership approach at Pixar. He was surrounded by inspirational professors and inventive classmates who challenged each other to new heights of computer science and maintained a culture of collaboration and camaraderie. This environment inspired him to create a similar culture at Pixar, where he aimed to balance the production of high-quality content with the increasing demand for more movies, while also supporting an over-stretched staff and maintaining efficiency, productivity, and creativity.

Some strategies to maintain efficiency and productivity in a creative industry include fostering a culture of collaboration and camaraderie, challenging each other to reach new heights, and balancing the demand for more output with the need to maintain quality. It's also important for leaders to support their staff and ensure they are not over-stretched.

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