A marketing plan can establish a company's current market position by analyzing various factors such as market competition, customer satisfaction, personnel requirements, and more. It can also use tools like PESTEL analysis and Net Promoter Score to understand the company's standing in the market. Furthermore, the marketing plan can look at the company's communication policy and marketing objectives to determine its position. Lastly, the marketing plan can use marketing KPI dashboards to track the company's performance and position in the market.

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Marketing Plan (Part 2)

Have your organization’s marketing efforts stalled out with overpriced ads and harder customer conversions? A strong marketing plan helps control cost...

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The template includes slides on Market Competition, a Customer Satisfaction Matrix, Personnel Requirements, Marketing Plan Dashboard, Portfolio and PESTEL analysis, Net Promoter Score, Communication policy, Research Parameters, Marketing Objectives and additional Marketing KPI dashboards. Plus, read to the end to learn how TikTok positioned its marketing plan to capitalize on Facebook's decline.

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Some of the trends in marketing planning include the use of data analytics for market competition analysis, customer satisfaction matrix, and net promoter score. There is also a trend towards more comprehensive marketing plans that include personnel requirements, communication policy, and research parameters. Additionally, the use of social media platforms like TikTok for marketing is becoming increasingly popular, especially as other platforms like Facebook decline.

A marketing plan can be evaluated for effectiveness by using various metrics and KPIs. These can include the Net Promoter Score, customer satisfaction metrics, and the success of communication policies. Additionally, the effectiveness of a marketing plan can be evaluated by analyzing market competition and conducting a PESTEL analysis. It's also important to consider the marketing objectives and whether they have been met.

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