A personal SWOT analysis can help in setting goals for the new year by providing a clear understanding of one's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis can help identify areas where improvement is needed and where there are opportunities for growth. It can also highlight potential threats that need to be addressed. Based on this analysis, one can set realistic and achievable goals for the new year.

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"In addition to setting business strategy for the new year, be sure to set your own leadership strategy by conducting a personal SWOT analysis. Ask trusted, objective colleagues: What are my top leadership strengths? What are my top weaknesses? What are my growth opportunities? What are the internal (mindset) and external (marketplace) threats to my success? Plan your goals based on the feedback," Margolis recommends.

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The feedback from a personal SWOT analysis can be used in planning goals by identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Your strengths can be leveraged to achieve your goals, while your weaknesses can be improved upon. Opportunities identified can be used to set new goals, and threats can help you plan for potential challenges. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of your current situation, which is crucial for effective goal planning.

Internal threats in a personal SWOT analysis often relate to personal weaknesses or areas for improvement. These could include lack of certain skills, negative mindset, or personal habits that hinder productivity or effectiveness. External threats, on the other hand, are factors outside personal control such as market competition, economic conditions, or changes in industry trends. It's important to identify these threats to develop strategies to mitigate their impact.

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