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A company should always strive to perfect itself and with 2019 around the corner, business leaders decide what their ventures will aim to achieve next year. Our 100% customizable 2019 Calendar presentation allows you to assess the past year's wins and losses, create a roadmap for the upcoming 12 months and execute your strategy with precise accuracy. Also, learn new actionable techniques from "Forbes Coaches Council" to implement in the new year.

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The 2019 Calendar presentation is a useful tool for businesses because it allows them to assess the past year's wins and losses, create a roadmap for the upcoming 12 months, and execute their strategy with precise accuracy. It is 100% customizable, enabling businesses to tailor it to their specific needs and goals. Additionally, it provides new actionable techniques from the Forbes Coaches Council that can be implemented in the new year.

The 2019 Calendar presentation can be used by business leaders to decide their ventures' goals for the next year by providing a platform to assess the past year's wins and losses. This can help in creating a roadmap for the upcoming 12 months and executing the strategy with precise accuracy. The presentation is 100% customizable, allowing leaders to tailor it to their specific needs. Additionally, it includes actionable techniques from the Forbes Coaches Council that can be implemented in the new year.

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Slide highlights

Use this slide to introduce your roadmap and let your staff and stakeholders know where you are now, where your team is going in 2019, how it is getting there and what tools, resources and skills they'll need to arrive at the final destination.

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Creating timelines when planning out your business year is crucial. With this slide you can propose an approximate timeline for the next year so everyone knows what their role will be and can be kept accountable.

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Milestones mark critical decision points and the completion of major project tasks of different project phases. Slides, such as this one, will help you communicate milestones to your key stakeholders to keep them on track and engaged.

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The 2019 Calendar presentation can keep everyone accountable in their roles by providing a clear roadmap for the year. It allows staff and stakeholders to understand where the team is currently, where it's heading, and what resources and skills are needed to reach the final destination. The presentation also includes a timeline for the year, so everyone knows their role and when they are expected to complete their tasks. Additionally, it communicates milestones to key stakeholders to keep them on track and engaged.

To arrive at the final destination of your 2019 business roadmap, you would need a variety of tools, resources, and skills. Tools could include project management software, communication platforms, and data analysis tools. Resources could be financial support, human resources, and time. Skills needed could range from leadership and strategic thinking to technical skills related to your specific business. It's also crucial to have a clear understanding of your business goals, a well-defined plan to achieve them, and the ability to track progress and make adjustments as necessary.

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Here is how you can prep for the business year ahead, according to Bookkeeping Confidential:

  • Get your team involved – business planning should be a team effort, as it works best that way. "Involve your key staff and your advisors, such as your accountant, your mentor (if you have one), and others who can contribute meaningfully to the planning, such as an IT expert if you envisage a major website overhaul," the Bookkeeping Confidential team says.
  • Review your business – assess your business' current state with the focus on three important questions: What's working well at the moment? What's not − what should be dropped or done less of? What has the most business potential for the future?
  • Decide on changes – there most likely will be some required changes to implement in the upcoming year, such as adapting your existing products and services, exploring new markets or distribution channels or even changing your business model entirely. Mark them on your 2019 calendar.
  • Figure out capacity – changes will likely require investment in new skills, new products or services or other resources. The experts say: "Get help from your accountant to complete a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis if you need new equipment or even new staff. You need to know how much extra business needs to be generated for a reasonable payback and also how the business can access the funds for the growth."
  • Get everyone on board – set some end-of-year goals and work backward to create the stepping stones that will take you there. But most importantly, make sure that everyone at your company is on board by communicating the strategy and schedule to them.
  • Plan and follow-up – "business goals won't be taken seriously unless you set regular dates to review progress – such as every 90 days," the experts say, "Once people know that you will be calling them to account at these progress meetings, they will be more motivated to keep your planning on track."
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Some potential changes a business might need to implement in the upcoming year, according to the 2019 Calendar presentation, could include adapting existing products and services, exploring new markets or distribution channels, or even changing the business model entirely. These changes will likely require investment in new skills, new products or services, or other resources.

Involving key staff and advisors in business planning can contribute to its effectiveness in several ways. Firstly, they bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table, which can lead to more comprehensive and robust plans. Secondly, their involvement can foster a sense of ownership and commitment to the plan, increasing the likelihood of its successful implementation. Lastly, their input can help identify potential challenges and opportunities, allowing for better risk management and strategic planning.

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Expert advice

The experts from "Forbes Coaches Council" offer actionable techniques for business leaders to add to their 2019 calendar plans and implement:

Be honest with yourself – Joynicole Martinez, The Alchemist Agency

"The hardest part of goal-setting is being realistic. It's easy to attempt to convert every dream into goals, but far from easy to convert those goals into achievements. Be realistic when planning for the new year. Consider roles that automatically take time and attention and be sure to incorporate recovery and relaxation. This will refine your 'open' time for work and make goals truly achievable," Martinez says.

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Incorporating recovery and relaxation into goal-setting is crucial for making goals achievable. It's important to understand that productivity isn't about constantly working without breaks. Our minds and bodies need time to rest and rejuvenate. By scheduling time for recovery and relaxation, we prevent burnout and maintain a sustainable pace. This allows us to stay focused and motivated, increasing the likelihood of achieving our goals. Moreover, it helps in refining our 'open' time for work, making it more productive.

Companies can implement the 2019 Calendar presentation in their operations by using it as a tool for goal-setting and productivity enhancement. They can set realistic goals for the year, considering roles that take time and attention, and incorporating recovery and relaxation. This will help refine their work time and make goals truly achievable. The presentation can also be used to increase team productivity by providing a visual representation of the year's goals and progress.

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Conduct your own SWOT analysis – Loren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC

"In addition to setting business strategy for the new year, be sure to set your own leadership strategy by conducting a personal SWOT analysis. Ask trusted, objective colleagues: What are my top leadership strengths? What are my top weaknesses? What are my growth opportunities? What are the internal (mindset) and external (marketplace) threats to my success? Plan your goals based on the feedback," Margolis recommends.

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The feedback from a personal SWOT analysis can be used in planning goals by identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Your strengths can be leveraged to achieve your goals, while your weaknesses can be improved upon. Opportunities identified can be used to set new goals, and threats can help you plan for potential challenges. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of your current situation, which is crucial for effective goal planning.

Internal threats in a personal SWOT analysis often relate to personal weaknesses or areas for improvement. These could include lack of certain skills, negative mindset, or personal habits that hinder productivity or effectiveness. External threats, on the other hand, are factors outside personal control such as market competition, economic conditions, or changes in industry trends. It's important to identify these threats to develop strategies to mitigate their impact.

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Take time for self-reflection – Palena Neale, Ph.D

Dr. Neale says: "It is vital that leaders make time to reflect on the year gone past in relation to goals, actions, values, successes and, of course, their "best" failures of 2019! This gift of time to self-reflect allows leaders to take stock of what has and has not been accomplished and helps them pause and consolidate experiences in order to learn and focus on achieving more of what is desired in the year ahead."

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Leaders can use their failures from 2019 to improve in the year ahead by reflecting on their past actions, values, successes, and failures. This self-reflection allows them to understand what worked and what didn't. They can then use this knowledge to make better decisions, avoid repeating the same mistakes, and focus on achieving their goals in the future. It's also important for leaders to learn from their failures and see them as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks.

Common challenges in applying self-reflection include lack of time, difficulty in being honest with oneself, and not knowing what to reflect on. These can be overcome by setting aside dedicated time for reflection, being open and honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and having clear goals or questions to guide your reflection.

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Reinforce being strategically agile – Maresa Friedman, Executive Cat Herder

Per Friedman: "Setting the bar too high for your organization can leave your team feeling inadequate. Don't forget to let your team know what things are important – and what things can shift based on the need of the business."

Keep your eye on the three horizons – Gabriella Goddard, Brainsparker Leadership Academy

"The Three Horizons Model developed by Baghai, Coley and White in the Alchemy of Growth is a great way for leaders to start 2020 with clarity, drive and excitement. In Horizon 1, you're clear about your core business and how to expand it. In Horizon 2, you're focused on what aspects of the business you'll build for growth. And in Horizon 3, you're exploring new ideas that will shape your future," Goddard says.

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The Three Horizons Model and other business growth models like the Ansoff Matrix, BCG Matrix, and McKinsey 7S Model all aim to guide businesses in their growth strategies. However, they differ in their approaches. The Three Horizons Model focuses on balancing short-term and long-term goals, with Horizon 1 emphasizing current core business, Horizon 2 focusing on emerging opportunities, and Horizon 3 exploring completely new ideas. On the other hand, the Ansoff Matrix focuses on market and product diversification, the BCG Matrix on market share and market growth, and the McKinsey 7S Model on seven internal aspects of an organization. Each model has its own strengths and is used based on the specific needs and context of the business.

The Three Horizons Model, while effective, can present several challenges. Firstly, it requires a clear understanding of the current business and its potential growth areas, which may not always be evident. Secondly, it demands a balance between focusing on immediate business expansion and long-term growth, which can be difficult to maintain. Lastly, it necessitates the exploration of new ideas, which can be risky and uncertain. Overcoming these challenges involves thorough market research, strategic planning, risk management, and fostering a culture of innovation.

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