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An executive can improve their awareness of how time is spent by focusing on three key points: Time-monitoring, Control time, and Consolidate time. Time-monitoring involves recording the amount of time spent on particular tasks and projects, which makes it easy to see where all that time is going. Control time involves asking what activities are necessary, what tasks are inefficient, and similar questions, which helps to find chunks of time that are wasted. Consolidate time involves revamping activities or eliminating them altogether if they are found to be inefficient.
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For executives, the job is not simply to ensure that “things get done;” it’s to ensure the right things get done, at the right time, and in the right...
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Time is the resource that must be managed effectively to be able to build the other habits — Most executives are self-directed. How they use their time is largely up to them and requires a constant awareness of how time is spent. Executives spend a lot of time on planning, reports, meetings, and human resources. The larger the organization, the more time spent in those areas. The best way to get a handle on managing time is by focusing on three key points. Time-monitoring — By recording the amount of time spent on particular tasks and projects, it becomes easy to see where all that time is going. Day-to-day activities should receive the most attention because of their frequency. Control time — When executives begin to ask what activities are necessary, what tasks are inefficient, and similar questions, they begin to find chunks of time that are wasted. If done objectively, this process will result in revamping activities or eliminating them altogether. Consolidate time — Effective exec...
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