The concepts from "Seeing Around Corners" can be implemented in real-world scenarios by identifying potential inflection points early and preparing for them. This involves conducting scenario planning exercises to identify possible outcomes that represent the inflection point. Early warning indicators for each of these outcomes should be identified and tracked systematically. This allows organizations to anticipate disruption and build resilience by being prepared to act strategically when the inflection point becomes mainstream.

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Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen

How can you foresee new growth opportunities and take advantage of the next inflection point? Distilled from decades of consulting expertise on innova...

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At the initial stages of an inflection point, the signal strength is low, and it would be a mistake to commit to a big strategic move. However, if an organization waits too long for clarity, the inflection would have become mainstream, making it too late to act. Simple scenario planning exercises can help organizations identify significant inflection points early enough to enable strategic action. For each scenario, identify specific outcomes that represent the inflection point. Identify early warning indicators for each of these outcomes and track them systematically.

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Startups can utilize scenario planning exercises to identify inflection points early and enable strategic action by first identifying potential scenarios that could represent significant changes in their business environment. These scenarios should be specific and measurable. Once these scenarios are identified, startups should identify early warning indicators for each scenario. These indicators are signs that a particular scenario is starting to unfold. By tracking these indicators systematically, startups can identify inflection points early enough to take strategic action. This process allows startups to anticipate disruption and build organizational resilience.

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