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The principles from Crossing the Chasm can be applied to modern start-ups by understanding the difference between early adopters and the mainstream market. Start-ups should initially focus on winning over technology enthusiasts with strong technology advantages, thereby gaining product credibility. Once this is achieved, they should then transition to convincing the mainstream market through demonstrating market leadership, which translates into company credibility. This shift from product-centric to market-centric values is crucial in crossing the chasm.
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How can the most cutting-edge start-ups fail? Start-ups fall to their death in the deep chasm that separates early tech adopters and the pragmatic mai...
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The early market can be won by winning the skeptical technology enthusiasts with strong technology advantage and converting it into product credibility. In contrast, the mainstream market is developed by convincing the skeptical pragmatists through market leadership advantage and translating it into company credibility. Crossing the chasm is a transition from marketing to supportive specialist visionaries who care about the product, to marketing to skeptical generalist pragmatists who care about the market. Marketing must shift from an exclusive focus on product-centric attributes to market-centric values supplemented by product-centric values.
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