'The Work' can be applied in daily life by regularly practicing the four questions whenever you encounter situations that cause suffering. By writing out your thoughts on paper and honestly answering the questions, you can eliminate untrue thoughts and return to a state of harmony and happiness. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to quickly identify and eliminate these untrue thoughts, much like automatically pulling your hand away from a hot stove.

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Loving What Is

At the age of 43, Byron Katie was paralyzed by depression, rage, and paranoia, but that dark time gave rise to a transformative process she calls “The...

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Katie's four questions sound simple, but working through them honestly in the interest of dismantling the lies we believe can be hard work. Katie asserts that the more dedicated we become to regular inquiry when things cause us to suffer, the easier The Work will become. Just as we automatically pull our hand away from a hot stove, she says, those who practice the work will learn to quickly eliminate untrue thoughts by inquiry, returning to harmony and happiness. Katie strongly recommends doing The Work by writing out thoughts on paper, to encourage honest response. The four questions, with a brief explanation of each, are:

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The steps involved in practicing 'The Work' include four questions that need to be worked through honestly. The more dedicated we become to regular inquiry when things cause us to suffer, the easier The Work will become. It is recommended to do The Work by writing out thoughts on paper, to encourage honest response.

'The Work' helps in dealing with anxiety by encouraging regular inquiry into the thoughts that cause us to suffer. By practicing 'The Work', one learns to quickly eliminate untrue thoughts through inquiry, thereby returning to a state of harmony and happiness. It is recommended to write out thoughts on paper to encourage honest responses.

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