This template can be used to transfer departments within a company by showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements relevant to the new department. You can use the Resume overview, Work Experience, STAR method, Areas of Practice, and Skillset slides to present your qualifications and suitability for the new role. The Project case studies and Notable clients slides can be used to demonstrate your past successes and experiences with clients. The Recommendations and Achievements slides can be used to highlight your accomplishments and endorsements from colleagues or superiors.

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Personal Showcase

In the market for a new job? Use our Personal Showcase presentation template to upgrade your portfolio with top highlights. This deck can be used to a...

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The template includes slides for Resume overview, Work Experience, the STAR method and Action Verb list, Areas of Practice, Recommendations, Portfolio, Education, Skillset, Project case studies, Notable clients, Achievements, Contact page, and many more. Read to the end, and we'll explain how a PM who wants a new job at a major tech company like Google or Facebook could use this presentation.

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When preparing a presentation about the overall finance performance in FY 2023, consider the following points:

Start with an introduction that provides a brief overview of the financial year. This could include major financial events, changes in the market, or new policies that affected the company's finances.

Next, present a detailed analysis of the company's financial performance. This could include revenue, profit, expenses, and cash flow. Use charts and graphs to visualize the data and make it easier to understand.

Discuss the factors that contributed to the company's financial performance. This could include successful products or services, cost-saving measures, or strategic investments.

Compare the company's performance in FY 2023 with previous years. This will show whether the company is improving or declining.

Finally, provide a forecast for the next financial year based on current trends and future plans. This could include projected revenue, expected expenses, and potential challenges.

Remember to keep your presentation concise and engaging. Use clear, simple language and avoid jargon. Also, practice your presentation to ensure you can deliver it confidently and professionally.

Some strategies for standing out when applying for a job at a major tech company like Google or Facebook include having a clear and concise resume, showcasing your work experience effectively, using the STAR method to describe your achievements, having a diverse skillset, presenting project case studies, listing notable clients you've worked with, and highlighting your achievements. It's also beneficial to have recommendations and a portfolio to showcase your work.

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