Ford could benefit from the sales strategies toolkit by automating sales for Segment C, which consists of smaller transactions that are necessary but don't contribute much value. This could be achieved through subscription services for software updates for connected cars or current dealership maintenance required at every certain amount of miles. By automating these sales, Ford could reduce overhead costs and increase efficiency.

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Sales Strategies Toolkit

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Segment C are the smallest transactions that are necessary but don't contribute much value. This is where most products or customers live, and as a sales lead, you should aim to automate their sales as much as possible to reduce overhead. Automotive companies like Ford plan to do this with upcoming subscription services for software updates for connected cars or current dealership maintenance required at every X amount of miles.

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Yes, there are case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of automating sales for Segment C. One such example is the automotive industry. Companies like Ford are planning to automate their sales processes for certain services. They plan to introduce subscription services for software updates for connected cars and for regular dealership maintenance. This automation is aimed at reducing overhead costs and improving efficiency.

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