Shell suggests that during a negotiation, your goal should be the most aggressive bid for which there is a reasonable argument. You should be able to justify your expectations to the other side with a straight face. It doesn't necessarily have to be the number for which there is the best argument, but there should be a reasonable argument to support your expectations.

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Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People

Ever wonder what makes a great negotiator? Read this book summary to learn about the latest social science and psychology research on negotiation. Get...

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How should you determine where your goal should be? Shell argues that your goal should, in most cases, be the most aggressive bid for which there is a reasonable argument. You should be able to justify your expectations to the other side "with a straight face." On the contrary, it doesn't have to be the number for which there is the "best argument," just a reasonable argument.

Questions and answers

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While the book "Bargaining for Advantage" does not provide specific examples of companies that have successfully applied the negotiation principles, many businesses across various industries use these strategies. These principles, such as understanding the other party's interests, using objective criteria, and developing a BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement), are universal and can be applied in any negotiation scenario. However, due to confidentiality in business negotiations, it's often challenging to find specific examples.

Businesses might face several challenges when implementing the negotiation strategies from "Bargaining for Advantage". One potential challenge could be resistance from employees who are used to traditional negotiation methods. This can be overcome by providing comprehensive training and demonstrating the benefits of the new strategies. Another challenge could be the difficulty in justifying aggressive bids. Businesses can overcome this by preparing a strong, reasonable argument to support their bid. Lastly, maintaining professional relationships while negotiating aggressively might be challenging. This can be managed by ensuring respectful communication and focusing on mutual benefits.

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