The book 'Awakening Your Inner Genius' challenges the traditional concept of innate genius by proposing that genius is not a mystical, elusive trait, but a combination of many personality characteristics. It suggests that genius is not inborn but can be achieved by developing separate traits or behaviors. This idea is referred to as the 'genius code'. The book emphasizes that becoming a genius isn't easy, but it is achievable with the right approach and mindset.

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Awakening Your Inner Genius

This book is based on research from a variety of sources and proposes that genius is not some mystical, elusive trait, but a combination of many perso...

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is based on research from a variety of sources and proposes that genius is not some mystical, elusive trait, but a combination of many personality characteristics. Genius is not innate; it is a goal that can be achieved by developing separate traits or behaviors to create the "genius code." Becoming a genius certainly isn't easy, but it is achievable.

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The book Awakening Your Inner Genius suggests that genius is not an innate trait, but a combination of developed personality characteristics. Some practical steps to develop the genius code could include:

1. Cultivating curiosity: Geniuses are often deeply curious and passionate about their interests.

2. Developing resilience: The ability to bounce back from failure and keep trying is a common trait among geniuses.

3. Embracing lifelong learning: Geniuses are often voracious learners who are always seeking to expand their knowledge.

4. Practicing critical thinking: Geniuses often have the ability to think critically and solve problems in innovative ways.

5. Nurturing creativity: Many geniuses are highly creative and are able to think outside the box.

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