The fear of failure and judgments can hinder the creative process by causing hesitation and slowing down the action stage. This fear can prevent individuals from moving quickly and taking risks, which are essential aspects of creativity. Instead of setting small goals and checkpoints to make the process less overwhelming, the fear of failure and judgments can cause individuals to create elaborate, detailed plans that slow down the process and prevent the quick action necessary for creativity.

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Creative Confidence

Anyone can be creative. That's the message this book drives home by showing that creativity is an innate ability that requires courage to uncover. It'...

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Until someone learns how to put ideas into action, no amount of creativity is going to amount to anything. The action stage is where the ability to overcome fear and doubts is critical. It took courage to commit to creativity and to learn the steps for creative thinking. Now that same courage has to pick up speed and move things forward quickly. Instead of elaborate, detailed plans, the action stage requires moving fast and ignoring the fear of failure and judgments. By setting small goals and checkpoints, the process of taking action becomes less overwhelming and gets the ball rolling.

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There are numerous resources available to learn the steps for creative thinking. These include books such as 'Thinkertoys' by Michael Michalko, 'Creativity, Inc.' by Ed Catmull, and 'The Creative Habit' by Twyla Tharp. Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy also offer courses on creative thinking. Additionally, TED Talks and podcasts on creativity can provide valuable insights. Remember, the key is to put these ideas into action and overcome fear and doubts.

One can balance between moving fast and ensuring quality in the action stage by setting small goals and checkpoints. This makes the process of taking action less overwhelming and gets the ball rolling. It's important to move quickly, but also to maintain a focus on quality. This can be achieved by regularly checking in on progress, adjusting as necessary, and not being afraid to slow down if the quality of work is being compromised.

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