The operations process in business execution links to the people and strategy processes by breaking down long-term strategic outputs into short-term targets. This involves setting goals, linking the details of the operations process to the people and strategy processes, and leading operating reviews to align the organization to the plan. The operations process looks at programs like product launches, sales plans, and manufacturing plans that the business must complete to achieve desired objectives. It starts with the strategy document and breaks down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets.

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Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

How do you translate strategy into results? Execution is both an organizational culture and a specific set of behaviors. Leaders must be hands-on and...

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The operations process breaks long-term strategic outputs into short-term targets. It looks at the programs like product launches, sales plans and manufacturing plans that the business must complete to achieve desired objectives. The leader has to set goals actively, link details of the operations process to the people and strategy processes and lead operating reviews to align the organization to the plan. The operating plan is fundamentally different from a budget, which usually uses the previous year's numbers to set targets. In contrast, an excellent operating plan begins with the strategy document and breaks down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets. Many companies prepare an operating plan based on the budget. In reality, the budget should be a financial expression of the operating plan.

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The operations process contributes to the competitive advantage of a business by breaking down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets. This allows for the implementation of programs such as product launches, sales plans, and manufacturing plans that are necessary to achieve the desired objectives. The leader plays a crucial role in setting these goals, linking the details of the operations process to the people and strategy processes, and leading operating reviews to align the organization with the plan. Unlike a budget, which is often based on the previous year's numbers, an effective operating plan starts with the strategy document. This approach ensures that the operations process is directly tied to the strategic goals of the business, thereby providing a competitive advantage.

Examples of programs that might be included in the operations process are product launches, sales plans, and manufacturing plans. These programs are crucial for a business to achieve its desired objectives. The operations process breaks down long-term strategic goals into these short-term targets. It's important to note that an operating plan, which includes these programs, is fundamentally different from a budget. While a budget usually uses the previous year's numbers to set targets, an excellent operating plan begins with the strategy document and breaks down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets.

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