The book "Crossing the Chasm" has influenced the strategies of start-ups in managing their fleet vehicles by emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing the needs of different market segments. Start-ups are encouraged to focus on early adopters first, who are more willing to take risks on new technologies like fleet management systems. Once they have successfully penetrated this market, they can then focus on the more pragmatic mainstream market. This approach helps start-ups avoid the "chasm" that can cause many to fail.

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Crossing the Chasm

How can the most cutting-edge start-ups fail? Start-ups fall to their death in the deep chasm that separates early tech adopters and the pragmatic mai...

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"Gate Tracker" to capture tag information from fleet vehicles entering or exiting the yard "Yardmaster" systems to connect yard workers to dispatch functions "Dockmaster" to read trailers arriving at dock doors RFID tags for each trailer RFID handheld terminals for vehicles and yard workers "Asset Management" software

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Asset Management in the context of the book "Crossing the Chasm" refers to the systematic approach of deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively. The book discusses the use of technology, such as RFID tags and software, to manage assets effectively. This includes tracking the movement and status of assets, ensuring their proper maintenance, and making informed decisions about their use and disposal. However, the book primarily focuses on the challenges faced by start-ups in crossing the chasm from early adopters to mainstream customers, and the concept of asset management is likely discussed in relation to this broader theme.

The book "Crossing the Chasm" does not provide specific case studies or examples related to fleet and asset management. However, it does discuss the concept of technology adoption lifecycle, which can be applied to any industry, including fleet and asset management. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs and behaviors of different customer segments, which is crucial in managing assets and fleet effectively. It also highlights the challenges faced by companies while transitioning from early adopters to mainstream markets, which can be relevant for companies in the fleet and asset management sector.

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