The resource 'Originals' has influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging innovation and original thinking. It provides insights into how successful innovators developed their novel ideas, mitigated risks, and persuaded others. This can inspire corporations to adopt similar strategies, fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability. It also emphasizes the importance of flexibility and responsiveness, which can influence business models to be more dynamic and less rigid.

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Learn how innovators and original thinkers across time developed their novel ideas, mitigated risks, persuaded others, and changed the way we all see...

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If we plan something too far in advance, we tend to stick to the structure we've created. And, once we decide that a thing is completed, we tend to stop thinking about it. By mulling over his speech without finalizing it, King left himself open to responding in the moment, ad-libbing parts of his speech.

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A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in Originals by fostering a culture of innovation and original thinking. This could involve encouraging employees to challenge the status quo, promoting diversity of thought, and being open to new ideas. The company could also implement strategies to mitigate risks associated with innovation, such as piloting new ideas on a small scale before full implementation. Additionally, the company could invest in training and development programs to equip employees with the skills needed to think creatively and innovate.

Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concept of open-ended planning include lack of structure, difficulty in measuring progress, and potential for procrastination or lack of completion. To overcome these, companies could establish clear goals and milestones, regularly review and adjust plans, and foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

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