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What is problem-solving? It is the steps, processes, and techniques used to overcome obstacles to complete a task. Sometimes this task is a question to be answered; other times it's a physical objective to achieve. Through the art of problem-solving, you deconstruct problems and break them down into a series of smaller steps. But what are problem-solving skills?

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The Problem-Solving Frameworks template can align with a company's digital transformation initiatives in several ways. Firstly, digital transformation often involves complex problems that need to be broken down into manageable parts, which is exactly what the Problem-Solving Frameworks template is designed to do. Secondly, the template can help identify potential causes of problems within the digital transformation process, allowing for more effective solutions to be developed. Lastly, the template can be used to develop problem-solving skills within the team, which are crucial for navigating the challenges of digital transformation.

The Problem-Solving Frameworks template is a tool that helps to deconstruct complex problems into smaller, logical steps. It includes tools that survey and identify a problem, explore potential causes, and propose solutions. This approach is similar to other business problem-solving frameworks such as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) or DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) from Six Sigma. However, the specific tools and techniques used may vary. For example, the Problem-Solving Frameworks template might focus more on identifying and exploring problems, while PDCA and DMAIC might put more emphasis on continuous improvement and control.

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To learn and use the top skills to break down a problem, you can download our Problem-Solving Frameworks presentation template to gain new tools that survey and identify a problem, explore potential causes, brainstorm potential countermeasures, implement proposals for change, and then evaluate the outcome. These tools include slides on A3 Problem-Solving, Work Planning, Root Cause Analysis, Fishbone, FMEA Matrix, Problem Analysis Canvas, Critical Decision Plan, Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, Countermeasure Implementation, and many more. If you read to the end, we'll explain how a company Netflix could use these tools to solve its recent subscriber-loss problem.

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Netflix could use the Problem-Solving Frameworks to address its recent subscriber-loss problem by first identifying the problem, which in this case is the loss of subscribers. Next, they could explore potential causes for this issue, such as increased competition, pricing issues, or lack of appealing content. They could then brainstorm potential countermeasures, such as introducing new, exclusive content, adjusting pricing, or improving user experience. After implementing these proposals for change, they would evaluate the outcome to see if the changes have led to an increase in subscribers. Tools like A3 Problem-Solving, Root Cause Analysis, Fishbone, FMEA Matrix, Problem Analysis Canvas, Critical Decision Plan, Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, and Countermeasure Implementation could be particularly useful in this process.

The Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, and Countermeasure Implementation tools can be used to evaluate the outcome of a problem-solving process in several ways. The Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming is used to generate, organize, and consolidate information related to a problem. It helps in identifying key issues and patterns that might not be visible otherwise. The Outcome Evaluation tool is used to assess the results of the problem-solving process. It helps in determining whether the problem was effectively resolved or not. The Countermeasure Implementation tool is used to apply corrective actions to prevent the problem from recurring. It ensures that the solutions are effectively implemented and the problem is completely resolved.

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Tool highlights

A3 problem-solving

To solve any problem, you need to follow these four steps: 1. Define the problem. 2. generate alternate solutions. 3. evaluate and select a solution. 4. implement and follow-up. This four-step framework is essentially the famous process and development improvement "Plan-Do-Check-Act" cycle or PDCA.

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The most comprehensive problem-solving tool in this toolkit is the A3 Problem-Solving sheet. Created by Toyota, the A3 system got its name from the small size of the A3 card paper that forces collaborators and team members to focus on the most important aspects of the "full picture." A visualized action plan, A3 corresponds to the PDCA framework.

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Companies can implement the A3 Problem-Solving system in their operations by following a series of steps. First, they need to identify the problem and its root cause. This can be done by using various tools such as brainstorming, fishbone diagrams, or 5 Whys analysis. Once the problem and its cause are identified, the next step is to develop a countermeasure or solution to the problem. This should be a detailed plan that outlines the steps to be taken, who is responsible for each step, and when each step should be completed. The plan should then be implemented and monitored to ensure it is effective. If the problem persists, the process should be repeated until the problem is resolved. The A3 Problem-Solving system encourages continuous improvement and is a powerful tool for problem-solving and decision-making.

The key topics covered in the Problem-Solving Frameworks template enhance business strategy by providing a structured approach to problem-solving. This allows businesses to deconstruct complex problems into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier to identify and address the root causes. The A3 Problem-Solving sheet, for instance, encourages focus on the most important aspects of the problem, promoting efficiency and effectiveness in problem resolution. This systematic approach to problem-solving can lead to better decision-making, improved processes, and ultimately, a more robust business strategy.

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  • Steps 1-4 of this A3 problem sheet cover the "Plan" of the PDCA. Step 1 requires a good grasp of the history of the problem to understand it.
  • Step 2 describes the current condition.
  • Step 3 requires a root cause analysis to find potential reasons behind the problem.
  • After that, jot down the desired future state in Step 4.
  • Step 5 corresponds to "Do" in PDCA, where countermeasures for experimentation are developed to address the problem.
  • Step 6 is the implementation of all these ideas to solve the problem across a set timeline. Ideally, this covers the what, when, and who of the responsibilities as well.
  • Step 7 corresponds to "Check", which evaluates the implementations that were made, collects the data, and compares the before and after of the implementation.
  • Step 8 is the follow-up, where plans are made to sustain the improvement over the mid-term and long-term. This could be weekly, monthly, or quarterly check-ins, as well as an analysis of whether the problem is case closed or still needs improvement. (Slide 4)
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Problem-solving is a crucial soft skill that involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems. It's a multi-step process:

1. Identify the problem: This is the first step in problem-solving. It involves recognizing the existence of a problem and defining it clearly.

2. Analyze the problem: This involves understanding the problem's nature, its extent, and its impact. It may require gathering additional information or data.

3. Generate possible solutions: This step involves brainstorming potential solutions to the problem. It's important to consider a wide range of options at this stage.

4. Evaluate and select a solution: This involves assessing each potential solution to determine its feasibility and effectiveness. The best solution is then selected for implementation.

5. Implement the solution: This involves putting the chosen solution into action. It may involve delegating tasks, setting timelines, and allocating resources.

6. Review the solution: After the solution has been implemented, it's important to review its effectiveness. If the problem hasn't been resolved, the process may need to be repeated.

Remember, problem-solving is a dynamic process and often requires flexibility, creativity, and resilience.

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Work planning

Problem-solving doesn't happen in a vacuum. Work planning is actually a problem-solving tool in that it lays out the work plan and timelines and assigns roles and responsibilities to address issues. If you were paying attention above, this corresponds to Step 6 of A3 and the "Do" step of PDCA. In this work planning sheet, the first column in the table covers the issue and hypothesis, followed by the analysis that needs to be done to address the issue, the data sources used (like customer surveys or extensive market research), the role of the stakeholder or team responsible, and the due date. (Slide 10)

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Assigning roles and responsibilities in problem-solving is significant as it ensures that each aspect of the problem is addressed by a dedicated individual or team. This promotes efficiency and effectiveness in the problem-solving process. It helps in avoiding confusion and overlapping of tasks, ensuring that all tasks are completed within the stipulated time. It also fosters accountability, as each team member is aware of their specific tasks and responsibilities.

Customer surveys and market research are crucial tools in problem-solving. They provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. This data can help identify the root cause of a problem, validate or invalidate hypotheses, and guide decision-making. For instance, if a business is facing a decline in sales, a customer survey can reveal if it's due to product quality, pricing, or customer service. Similarly, market research can provide information about market trends, competition, and potential opportunities. Thus, these tools contribute to problem-solving by providing evidence-based insights to inform strategies and actions.

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Root cause analysis

It's often important to break down the root cause of a problem. This root cause analysis chart has three columns that cover the identity of the issue, likely root causes, and possible solutions. Subtopics are listed below, including a column for quantifiable metrics. For instance, for the identity of the issue, the quantifiable element to measure could be its "criticality." Ask yourself, "how severe of an issue are you dealing with?" The source could come from a client, HR, or other business areas.

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Potential sources of issues in a business that can be addressed using the Problem-Solving Frameworks template could be varied. They could stem from client interactions, human resources, or other business areas. The template is designed to deconstruct problems into smaller, logical steps, making it easier to identify and address the root cause. It can be used to tackle issues of varying criticality, from minor operational hiccups to major strategic challenges. The key is to identify the issue, explore its likely root causes, and then devise possible solutions.

The severity of an issue in problem-solving frameworks can be measured by assessing its impact on the business or project. This could include the potential for financial loss, damage to reputation, or disruption to operations. It's also important to consider the frequency of the issue and the number of people or processes it affects. The severity can be quantified using a scale or rating system, which can help prioritize issues for resolution.

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Under root cause, the "likelihood" of this root cause could be the quantifiable metric. The root cause column also highlights "information", which is meant to help define how the data is used to identify the root cause. Under possible solutions, the "risk level" of any action to solve the problem could be the quantifiable metric. You don't want your solution to wind up worse than the root problem, after all. The purpose here is that once you do find the root cause of a problem, it will be indicative of what the potential solution could be to solve it. (Slide 19)

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When proposing possible solutions in the problem-solving framework, several factors should be considered. First, the likelihood of the root cause should be evaluated. This involves assessing the probability that a particular factor is the actual cause of the problem. Second, the risk level of the proposed solution should be considered. This involves evaluating the potential negative consequences that could arise from implementing the solution. It's important to ensure that the solution doesn't end up causing more harm than the original problem. Finally, the potential effectiveness of the solution in addressing the root cause should be considered. This involves assessing whether the solution is likely to effectively resolve the problem.

The problem-solving framework aids in identifying the root cause of a problem by breaking down the problem into smaller, logical steps. It starts with surveying and identifying the problem, then exploring potential causes. The framework uses data to identify the root cause. Once the root cause is identified, it gives an indication of what the potential solution could be. This systematic approach helps in avoiding solutions that could potentially be worse than the original problem.

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Fishbone diagram

Another tool to identify cause and effect is a fishbone diagram, also known as an Ishikawa diagram. In this diagram, the team first agrees on what the problem statement is. The spine of the fish connects to all the major categories of possible causes. These categories are usually "materials", "measurements", "method", "machine", "people", and "environment." Since these are broad buckets, most contributing factors will fit under one of these six bones, so list the possible factors in each possible cause category. In order to see beyond the obvious for deeper analysis, use the 5 whys framework to ask the "why" behind any of these potential problems until the root of the issue is uncovered. (Slide 13)

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Case study: Netflix

So how could a company like Netflix use these problem-solving frameworks? Let's say Netflix wanted to use the A3 problem-solving framework to solve its recent subscriber loss problem. First, Netflix would need to make a plan. In Step 1, they would identify their goal is to stop the loss of subscribers and continue to show growth to investors. The background is that when Netflix reported its recent Q1 earnings, it reported it lost 200,000 subscribers - the first time it lost subscribers in 10 years, and its share price dropped 30%, so this is an existential threat to Netflix's status as a growth tech stock.

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The current condition is that Netflix has increased competition from rival streamers, so it is currently in a red ocean market. It also has widespread account sharing that accounts for about 100 million viewers who don't pay. Netflix also has high market penetration in North America and Latin America, so it will need to focus on growth in Europe and Asia. While Netflix has over 200 million subscribers which generate roughly 27 billion in revenue, it needs to spend more on content and marketing to win these markets. This is a problem if its net revenues start going down with more subscriber loss.

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Netflix can maintain its net revenues while spending more on content and marketing in the face of subscriber loss by focusing on several strategies. First, it can increase its subscription prices to generate more revenue per user. Second, it can reduce account sharing by implementing stricter account usage policies. Third, it can focus on expanding in underpenetrated markets like Europe and Asia. Lastly, it can invest in creating high-quality original content to attract and retain subscribers.

Netflix can implement several strategies to focus on growth in Europe and Asia. Firstly, they can conduct market research to understand the preferences and viewing habits of these regions. Secondly, they can invest in creating localized content that resonates with the local audience. Thirdly, they can collaborate with local telecom and internet service providers for bundled services. Lastly, they can implement aggressive marketing strategies to increase brand awareness. All these strategies can be structured and analyzed using the Problem-Solving Frameworks template.

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Root case of subscriber loss

  1. Too much competition. With so many new rivals like Disney+, Paramount+, and HBO Max, Netflix has to pursue a broad strategy to capture as wide an audience as possible. This means it's no longer focused on the prestige level shows that got it started, and could have lost subscribers as it tried to win new ones.
  2. Too much content. There are now over 817,000 shows on US streaming services. Perhaps viewers can't find what they want on Netflix, so they turn it off and leave. The pandemic-driven boost to streaming might also be coming to an end now that more people are traveling again and going out more often.
  3. Price increases. Among so many subscription offers, Netflix blamed its subscriber loss in North America on its recent price hikes. Since it has to spend upwards of $18 billion on content this year, it can't just go lower its prices without some way to make that up.
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Netflix can implement several strategies to maintain its audience amidst increasing competition and content overload. Firstly, it can focus on producing high-quality, exclusive content that can't be found on other platforms. This could help retain existing subscribers and attract new ones. Secondly, Netflix could invest in personalized recommendation algorithms to help users navigate the vast amount of content and find shows and movies they are likely to enjoy. Thirdly, Netflix could consider tiered pricing models to cater to a wider range of consumers. Lastly, Netflix could also explore partnerships with other companies to bundle its service with other offerings, providing more value to its subscribers.

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Possible solutions

  1. A lower-cost ad-supported tier. Netflix could appeal to price-conscious consumers and potentially offset $4 billion in lost revenue with ad sponsors. To put it in perspective, Roku makes something like $40+ monthly revenue per user with ads compared to Netflix's $14 from subscriptions. If Netflix does this, it could be ready by 2023 or 2024.
  2. Sports rights. Two of the growth markets Netflix could win over are Europe and Asia. So Netflix could pursue the rights to a popular European sports league, like Formula 1 or FIFA. FIFA just launched its own streaming service FIFA+, so Netflix will probably pursue Formula 1 first, given the fact that its popular docuseries on the sport reignited the sport's popularity on social media and in the US. Let's say Netflix is able to regain its stock momentum, and in a year or two from now, FIFA+ ends up a failed experiment; Netflix could try to be first in line to buy it.
  3. Video games. The other growth market Netflix has is in Asia, so Netflix could double down on its mobile game strategy and turn itself into an app fortress that offers video games. The video game industry is the largest entertainment industry in the world and will grow to reach $268 billion by 2025. While Netflix has tried and largely failed to lure Indian viewers to its app with a low-cost tier, it could pivot to focus on Southeast Asia entertainment consumers. As of 2021, there are around 250 million mobile gamers across all of Southeast Asia.
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Netflix's desired outcome is to reach a billion global users outside of China. So a strategy that involves a lower-cost ad-supported tier, a premier sports league like Formula 1 or FIFA, and a robust mobile gaming offering could help be countermeasures needed to offset its losses and get it closer to that desired outcome. Next, it has to implement these strategies, evaluate their success, and follow up on what's working.

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