The shift in market capitalization from traditional companies to tech companies has significantly impacted the global economy. Tech companies have grown exponentially in value, with the top five companies in 2016 being Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook, worth on average $476 billion. This is a stark contrast to 2006, where the top companies were ExxonMobil, General Electric, Microsoft, CitiGroup, BP and Royal Dutch Shell, worth an average of $288 billion each. This shift has led to a concentration of wealth and power in a few tech companies. It has also changed the dynamics of revenue generation, with a small percentage of content creators now earning the majority of revenues in industries like music.

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Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy

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Tech companies have dangerously overtaken our economy. In 2006, the top five companies by market capitalization were ExxonMobil, General Electric, Microsoft, CitiGroup, BP and Royal Dutch Shell, worth an average of $288 billion each. In 2016, the top five companies were Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook, worth on average $476 billion. Early adopters of the internet harked its ability to bring a "long tail" of revenue to individual artists and content creators. Not so. Today in the music business, 80% of the revenues are derived from 1% of artists. Compare this to the 1980s, where 80% of music industry revenues came from 20% of the content. Silicon Valley bigwigs like Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and early Facebook investor, believe in themselves as brilliant savants whose sheer genius birthed the age of the internet. Thiel is an avowed libertarian and rejects the value of government aid or interference. The irony is that "the internet was conceived and paid for by the US ...

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There are contrasting viewpoints on the role of tech companies in shaping the internet and the economy. Some believe that tech companies have dangerously overtaken our economy, with the top five companies in 2016 being tech companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. They argue that the internet has not brought the expected 'long tail' of revenue to individual artists and content creators, with 80% of the revenues in the music business being derived from 1% of artists. On the other hand, Silicon Valley figures like Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and early Facebook investor, see themselves as brilliant savants whose genius birthed the age of the internet. Thiel, an avowed libertarian, rejects the value of government aid or interference.

Government aid or interference can potentially shape the future of the internet in several ways. It can provide funding for research and development, which can lead to new technologies and innovations. It can also regulate the internet, setting rules for how it can be used and by whom. This can impact everything from privacy and security to the types of content that can be shared. Additionally, government policies can influence the accessibility and affordability of the internet, which can affect who is able to use it and how they use it.

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