The themes of "Up the Organization" are highly relevant to contemporary issues in corporate culture and employee management. The book emphasizes the importance of treating employees as assets rather than commodities, fostering creativity and initiative, and avoiding stifling bureaucracy. These themes align with modern management theories that advocate for employee engagement, empowerment, and a positive corporate culture for better productivity and profitability.

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Up the Organization

The sub-title of this book sums it up pretty well: How to stop the corporation from stifling people and strangling profits. The ideas here are irrever...

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As long as companies treat employees as commodities instead of assets, progressive thinking and creativity will never happen. For employees to feel like they have a purpose, they need a leader who cares. For employees to feel like their contributions are appreciated, they need a leader who is involved and gives feedback. What employees DON'T need is administrators that simply police and regulate.

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The concept of treating employees as assets rather than commodities is about recognizing the unique value and potential of each individual in an organization. Unlike commodities, which are interchangeable, assets have distinct qualities that can be nurtured and developed for the benefit of the organization. This approach encourages progressive thinking and creativity, as employees feel valued and appreciated. They are more likely to feel a sense of purpose and contribute their best efforts when they are treated as assets. This involves leaders who are caring, involved, and provide constructive feedback, rather than simply policing and regulating.

The lessons from "Up the Organization" can be applied in today's business environment by treating employees as assets rather than commodities. This involves fostering a culture of creativity, initiative, and boldness. Leaders should show care for their employees, be involved in their work, and provide constructive feedback. This approach discourages the stifling of people and strangling of profits by promoting progressive thinking and creativity. It also discourages the practice of simply policing and regulating employees, which can be detrimental to a company's growth and profitability.

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