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Steve Jobs was known for his unique ability to blend technology and liberal arts. He believed that technology alone was not enough, it must be coupled with liberal arts to create products that are not only functional but also intuitive and aesthetically pleasing. This philosophy was evident in Apple's products. For instance, the Macintosh was not just a computer, it was a beautifully designed piece of technology that was easy to use. Similarly, the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were not just devices, they were experiences. Jobs' focus on design, user experience, and storytelling were all elements of liberal arts that he incorporated into technology, creating transformative value.
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What principles made Steve Jobs one of the greatest inventors and product visionaries of the 21st century? Biographer Walter Isaacson raises the curt...
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Despite the excitement, Macintosh sales began to decline rapidly as the computer was underpowered. Jobs' temperamental nature increasingly resulted in conflicts with Apple employers and a tug-of-war with CEO John Sculley. When things came to a standstill, the board forced Jobs to leave Apple. As Arthur Rock, Apple Board Member, said: "The best thing ever to happen to Steve is when we fired him, told him to get lost." It was a learning experience that prepared him for his later years at Apple.
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