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The concept of curiosity, as presented in "Dare to Lead", has influenced corporate strategies and business models in several ways. Firstly, it has encouraged organizations to foster a culture of curiosity, which is linked to creativity, improved learning, and problem-solving. This can lead to innovative ideas and solutions, driving business growth and competitiveness. Secondly, curiosity is essential for daring leadership. Leaders who are curious about different views and conflicts, and who ask questions and seek more information, can make more informed decisions and effectively manage diverse teams. This can enhance organizational performance and resilience.
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As the speaker and researcher of one of the five most-viewed TED talks in the world, Research Professor Brené Brown shares the essential skills that u...
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Curiosity is correlated with creativity, improved learning, and problem solving. A study in the October 22, 2014 issue of the journal Neuron suggests that brain chemistry changes when we become curious, helping us to better learn and retain information. Curiosity is also essential for building daring leadership—being curious about different views and how they may come into conflict, asking questions, and reaching out for more information.
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