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Do you feel a lack of control over how much time you spend in meetings? Avoid dragged-out meetings with better tools to prepare, lead, and follow up after your team's next meeting. Download our latest Meeting & Agenda (Part 4) template collection to sync your team members and increase overall work efficiency.

The template includes tools like operational cadence, meeting checklists, session minutes, meeting feedback, meeting dashboards, stakeholder overviews, presenter schedule, team brainstorming sheets, meeting follow-up instructions and meeting criteria breakdown. Plus, watch the full explainer video to learn how much time we spent in meetings in 2021 and Microsoft's breakdown of the ideal meeting length.

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The meeting criteria breakdown tool aids in conducting effective meetings by providing a structured approach to evaluate the necessity and effectiveness of a meeting. It helps in identifying the purpose, objectives, and expected outcomes of the meeting, ensuring that the meeting is necessary and will be productive. It also assists in determining the appropriate participants, duration, and format of the meeting. This tool can also be used to evaluate the meeting's success post-session, providing insights for improvement in future meetings.

The meeting follow-up instructions in the Meeting & Agenda template are not explicitly detailed in the content provided. However, typically, such instructions would include steps like reviewing and finalizing the meeting minutes, assigning and tracking the progress of action items, scheduling follow-up meetings if necessary, and communicating the decisions and action items to all relevant stakeholders.

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Operational cadence

Meeting cadence is the pace, number, and pace of meetings across your organization. This Operational cadence slide provides a high-level summary of your team's meeting cadence. It outlines a full year's worth of meetings at a glance, with color-coded dots to determine whether the meeting will be a one-on-one, goal review, performance review or career conversation. Most useful for managers, this visualization can be used to schedule reviews and track meetings with individual team members on a consistent basis.

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A well-structured meeting and agenda can significantly contribute to a team's productivity by ensuring clear communication and efficient use of time. It helps in setting clear expectations for what needs to be discussed and decided in the meeting, thus avoiding unnecessary discussions and digressions. It also ensures that all important points are covered and nothing important is missed out. Moreover, a well-structured agenda helps in keeping the meeting focused and on track, thus saving time and increasing efficiency. It also helps in preparing the participants for the meeting, as they know what to expect and can come prepared.

The Operational cadence slide is a tool that helps manage and visualize the schedule of different types of meetings throughout the year. It uses color-coded dots to distinguish between different types of meetings such as one-on-one, goal review, performance review, or career conversation. To use it, you would assign a color to each type of meeting and mark the dates on the slide accordingly. This allows you to see at a glance when each type of meeting is scheduled. It's particularly useful for managers to schedule reviews and track meetings with individual team members on a consistent basis.

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For instance, execs can track quarterly reviews, plan performance reviews for every six months, or even plan out raises, promotions, or role change conversations well in advance. These meetings can be one-on-ones between managers and associates or skip-level meetings where an associate meets with a director or executive above their immediate manager. (Slide 27)

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Any company that conducts regular meetings can benefit from implementing the Meetings and Agenda Collection. For example, a tech startup could use it to streamline their meetings. The startup often has to conduct meetings to discuss project updates, brainstorm new ideas, and make strategic decisions. By using the Meetings and Agenda Collection, they can prepare better for the meetings, lead them more effectively, and follow up more efficiently. This can help them save time, make their meetings more productive, and ultimately, increase their overall work efficiency.

Better meeting management can significantly contribute to a company's business strategy in several ways. Firstly, it ensures efficient use of time, which is a valuable resource in any business. Well-structured meetings can help in setting clear objectives and goals, leading to better productivity. Secondly, it promotes effective communication and collaboration among team members, which is crucial for strategic planning and decision making. Lastly, it allows for tracking and reviewing of performance on a regular basis, which can help in identifying areas of improvement and implementing necessary changes in the business strategy.

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Meeting checklist

A meeting checklist tool is helpful for both those who organize meetings and attendees who want to prepare for a meeting ahead of time. This checklist visualization covers what execs need to prepare for ahead of a meeting, to plan for during the meeting, and to follow up on after a meeting so that each meeting is productive and short.

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While specific examples of meetings organized using a meeting checklist tool are not provided in the content, it's widely known that many successful companies use such tools. For instance, Google uses a meeting agenda tool to ensure that every meeting has a clear purpose and that all attendees are prepared. Similarly, Amazon has a 'two-pizza rule' where meetings should be small enough that two pizzas can feed everyone. They also start their meetings by reading a 6-page memo to ensure everyone is on the same page. These practices, facilitated by a meeting checklist tool, help make meetings more efficient and productive.

A meeting checklist tool can contribute to making meetings more productive and short by providing a clear structure and plan for the meeting. It helps in preparing for the meeting by outlining what needs to be discussed, ensuring that all important points are covered. During the meeting, it keeps the discussion on track, preventing unnecessary diversions. After the meeting, it aids in follow-up actions, ensuring that decisions made during the meeting are implemented. Thus, a meeting checklist tool can significantly enhance the efficiency of meetings.

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If you're the meeting lead, you can use this list to hold yourself accountable to your plan while the meeting is ongoing. You can also share it with other team members to set expectations for what the meeting will include. This checklist is customizable to be edited for whatever tasks are most important for you to check off. (Slide 3)

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Some important tasks that should be included in a meeting checklist are:

1. Setting the meeting's objective: This is the main reason why the meeting is being held. It should be clear and concise.

2. Preparing the agenda: This includes all the topics that will be discussed during the meeting.

3. Inviting the participants: Ensure that all necessary stakeholders are invited and informed about the meeting.

4. Preparing and distributing materials: If there are any documents or materials needed for the meeting, they should be prepared and distributed in advance.

5. Setting up the meeting space: This includes ensuring that the meeting room is available and properly set up.

6. Following up after the meeting: This includes sending out meeting minutes and following up on action items.

A checklist can be used to set expectations for a meeting by outlining the key points and tasks that will be covered during the meeting. It serves as a guide for the meeting lead to ensure all important topics are addressed. Additionally, sharing the checklist with team members prior to the meeting can help them understand what will be discussed, allowing them to prepare accordingly. This can lead to more efficient and productive meetings.

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Session minutes

As you conduct your meetings, it's helpful to take notes and detail what each meeting will cover with session minutes. This session minutes slide breaks down an agenda into different time segments that are united by various session goals. Session minutes can be used to set objectives for a meeting and record decisions for follow-up actions.

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Session goals in a meeting can vary depending on the nature of the meeting. Some examples could include:

1. Decision-making: The goal could be to reach a consensus or make a decision about a specific issue or project.

2. Information sharing: The goal could be to disseminate important information to all attendees.

3. Problem-solving: The goal could be to address and find solutions to specific problems.

4. Planning: The goal could be to plan for future projects or initiatives.

5. Reviewing progress: The goal could be to review the progress of ongoing projects or tasks.

Session goals can unite different time segments in a meeting by providing a clear focus for each segment. Each time segment can be dedicated to achieving a specific session goal. This ensures that all discussions and activities during that time are aligned towards achieving that goal. It helps in maintaining the flow of the meeting and ensures that all important points are covered within the stipulated time. It also helps in keeping the participants engaged and focused.

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A color-coded flag system allows execs to indicate whether a particular session will be remote only, remote and offline, or completely offline. This is helpful for post-pandemic meeting plans since workplace structures have changed and many meetings these days are virtual. (Slide 12)

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Meeting feedback

After you conclude a meeting, it's vital to follow up on any decisions made to ensure the meeting's conclusions lead to action. If you plan to revisit the topic for another session, or plan to run a workshop, training program, or even a convention, you will want to poll your attendee's and gather their thoughts with a feedback form. The meeting planners are responsible to fill out the questions, while attendees fill out the form and move the checkmarks to rate each question from poor to great. (Slide 21)

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Digital tools can greatly assist in preparing, leading, and following up after a meeting. They can help in scheduling the meeting, sending out invites, and setting the agenda. During the meeting, digital tools can facilitate real-time collaboration, note-taking, and recording for future reference. After the meeting, these tools can assist in distributing minutes, tracking action items, and gathering feedback. They can also help in analyzing the effectiveness of the meeting and planning for future ones.

Some potential challenges in gathering feedback after a meeting include lack of participant engagement, unclear or biased questions, and difficulty in analyzing feedback. These can be overcome by ensuring the feedback process is easy and quick, questions are clear and unbiased, and using tools or software for analysis.

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Meeting dashboard

Lastly, a meeting dashboard can help execs keep track of all their upcoming meetings at a weekly, daily, and monthly view all at once. This visualization provides a calendar to detail where you are in the year. An overview at the top provides how many meetings are scheduled, rescheduled, or canceled at a glance. In the today section, you can track what meetings you have upcoming, the times for each, and the members attending. And a reminder section in the bottom left can be used to jot notes. (Slide 30)

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A meeting dashboard can assist in tracking rescheduled or cancelled meetings by providing a comprehensive overview of all meetings. It provides a calendar view detailing the schedule for the year, and an overview at the top that shows how many meetings are scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled at a glance. This allows for easy tracking and management of meetings, ensuring that changes in schedule are immediately visible and can be acted upon promptly.

A meeting dashboard provides several features to help manage meetings. It provides a visualization of all upcoming meetings on a weekly, daily, and monthly basis. This includes a calendar to detail where you are in the year. An overview at the top provides information on how many meetings are scheduled, rescheduled, or canceled at a glance. In the today section, you can track what meetings you have upcoming, the times for each, and the members attending. There is also a reminder section that can be used to jot notes.

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Case study: Microsoft

These tools help you better prepare ahead of a meeting to spend less time in them. This is important, as Microsoft found that the average number of meetings increased in 2021. In a survey of 30,000 workers, Microsoft found the time spent in Microsoft teams increased by 2.5x around the world, and the average meeting is now 10 minutes longer, with 45% more chats per week and 42% more chats per hour. This extra time has led to "overwork" feelings and burnout. Microsoft also found that fatigue sets in after 30 to 40 minutes of concentration. That's why the company recommends to cap meetings at 25 minutes or at most 50 minutes with a 5-minute break in the middle to give brains time to recharge.

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There is a direct correlation between meeting duration and feelings of fatigue. Research has found that fatigue sets in after 30 to 40 minutes of concentration. Therefore, it is recommended to cap meetings at 25 minutes or at most 50 minutes with a 5-minute break in the middle to give brains time to recharge. Prolonged meetings without breaks can lead to feelings of overwork and burnout.

According to a survey conducted by Microsoft, the use of Microsoft Teams has significantly increased. The time spent in Microsoft Teams has increased by 2.5 times globally. The average meeting duration has also increased by 10 minutes. Furthermore, there has been a 45% increase in chats per week and a 42% increase in chats per hour. This increase in usage has led to feelings of overwork and burnout among users.

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If 25 minutes feels too short to you, you need better preparation. Download this Meeting & Agenda (Part 4) collection for more slides on stakeholder overviews, presenter schedules, team brainstorming sheets, meeting follow-up instructions and meeting criteria breakdowns to save time and hours of work. Plus, you can download our earlier Meeting & Agenda (Part 2) and Meetings & Agendas (Part 3) frameworks for more slides.

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The practical applications of the Meeting & Agenda collection in a specific industry can vary based on the industry's needs. However, generally, it can be used to prepare for meetings, lead them effectively, and follow up after them. It can help in creating stakeholder overviews, presenter schedules, team brainstorming sheets, meeting follow-up instructions, and meeting criteria breakdowns. This can save time and increase work efficiency. It can also be used to sync team members and ensure everyone is on the same page.

The main components of the Meeting & Agenda collection include stakeholder overviews, presenter schedules, team brainstorming sheets, meeting follow-up instructions, and meeting criteria breakdowns. These tools are designed to help prepare, lead, and follow up after meetings, thereby increasing overall work efficiency.

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