The content does not provide specific advice from productivity experts at Asana and Vox Media. However, it suggests that maintaining a disciplined schedule and keeping progress in check are important for productivity. It also mentions the use of a deck to help with these tasks.

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Productivity Planner

Whether to ensure productivity as you work from home or to share tasks across the team, our Productivity Planner deck can help to keep your schedule d...

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Sharp focus is elusive, that is why you need a solid productivity routine. As you work from home or share tasks across the team, our deck helps to keep your schedule disciplined and progress in check. Use this resource in light or dark color themes and find advice (we included in the presentation highlights below) from productivity experts at Asana and Vox Media.

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The content does not provide specific tips from productivity experts at Asana and Vox Media for using the Productivity Planner. However, it suggests that using a productivity routine can help maintain discipline and track progress. It also mentions the use of a resource deck in light or dark color themes.

Some strategies for maintaining productivity when working from home include establishing a solid productivity routine, keeping a disciplined schedule, and regularly checking progress. Using resources such as productivity decks can also be beneficial. Advice from productivity experts at companies like Asana and Vox Media can also be helpful.

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