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Sharp focus is elusive, that is why you need a solid productivity routine. As you work from home or share tasks across the team, our Productivity Planner deck helps to keep your schedule disciplined and progress in check. Use this resource in light or dark color themes and find advice (we included in the presentation highlights below) from productivity experts at Asana and Vox Media.

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The content does not provide specific tips from productivity experts at Asana and Vox Media for using the Productivity Planner. However, it suggests that using a productivity routine can help maintain discipline and track progress. It also mentions the use of a resource deck in light or dark color themes.

Some strategies for maintaining productivity when working from home include establishing a solid productivity routine, keeping a disciplined schedule, and regularly checking progress. Using resources such as productivity decks can also be beneficial. Advice from productivity experts at companies like Asana and Vox Media can also be helpful.

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Slide highlights

Use this slide to communicate your plan for a productivity improvement strategy. You may include: taking regular breaks, holding standing meetings, working in 90-minute intervals, minimizing interruptions and avoiding multitasking.

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With this slide, share your project management calendarwith the team. This way, it'll be easier for everybody to visualize the schedule and understand the deadlines, and for you – to monitor and keep track of the progress.

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Notice that our deck offers slides for daily, weekly and monthlyproductivity planners. Take advantage of each one of them to optimize workflow 27/7. And for the yearly productivity planning, use our newest 2021 Calendar.

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The benefits of using both light and dark color themes in a productivity planner deck include enhancing visual appeal, reducing eye strain, and accommodating different user preferences. Light themes are often associated with clarity and simplicity, making them ideal for daytime use. Dark themes, on the other hand, are often associated with a more focused and less distracting environment, making them ideal for nighttime use. By offering both options, you can cater to a wider range of user preferences and ensure that your productivity planner is accessible and comfortable to use at any time of the day.

A productivity planner can assist in project management by providing a structured way to organize tasks, deadlines, and goals. It can help in visualizing the schedule, understanding the deadlines, and monitoring the progress of the project. It can also aid in optimizing workflow by allowing for regular breaks, minimizing interruptions, and avoiding multitasking. Furthermore, it can facilitate standing meetings and work in 90-minute intervals for increased efficiency.

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Here are some important stats about productivity to keep in kind or even include in your presentation:

  • Productivity improves by 20-25% in organizations with connected employees, say consultants from McKinsey & Company
  • High-performing employees have three things in common: talent, high engagement and over 10-plus years of experience within the company, according to Gallup
  • Engaged employees are 27% more likely to show "excellent" performance, according to Gallupr
  • 95% of HR leaders say that employee burnout is "sabotaging workforce retention," per Kronos Incorporated and Future Workplace report
  • Employees who exercise their strengths daily are 8% more productive and six times more likely to be engaged, according to Gallup
  • Organizations with a strong onboarding process improve productivity by over 70%, Glassdoor reports
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Not having a strong onboarding process can lead to several negative impacts. It can result in lower productivity, as organizations with a strong onboarding process have been shown to improve productivity by over 70%. It can also lead to lower employee engagement and retention, as employees who are not properly onboarded may not feel connected to the organization and may be more likely to leave. Additionally, it can lead to lower performance, as engaged employees are more likely to show excellent performance.

A 70% increase in productivity due to a strong onboarding process can lead to several potential benefits. Firstly, it can significantly boost the overall output of the organization, leading to higher profits. Secondly, it can improve employee engagement and satisfaction, as employees who are more productive are often more engaged and satisfied with their work. Thirdly, it can reduce employee turnover, as employees who are productive and engaged are less likely to leave the organization. Lastly, it can enhance the organization's reputation, as high productivity levels can be a sign of a well-run, efficient organization.

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Jim Whitehurst, the President and CEO of Red Hat, a successful open-source software provider, shared his tips for maximum productivity in his article for "Inc."

  • Map out your week – "Sunday evenings, I sit down with my list of important objectives for the year and for each month. Those goals inform every week and help keep me on track," Whitehurst shares.
  • Block out task time – block out time to complete specific tasks. For example, slot periods for "Write new proposal," or "Craft presentation" or "Review and approve marketing materials."
  • Follow a realistic to-do list – assign times to each task. If you have six hours of meetings scheduled today and eight hours worth of tasks, chances are those tasks won't get done.
  • Default to 30-minute meetings – "Whoever invented the one-hour default in calendar software wasted millions of people-hours. [...] Don't be a slave to calendar tool defaults. Only schedule an hour if you absolutely know you need it," Whitehurst says.
  • Quit multitasking – the problem with multitasking is that a split focus makes you less productive. Even though you're only doing mindless stuff, still – you're not 100% present.
  • Leverage edge time – Whitehurst says: "My biggest downtimes during the workday come when I drive to work, when I drive home, and when I'm in airports. So I focus really hard on how to use that time. I almost always schedule calls for my drive to work. It's easy: I take the kids to school and drop them off at a specific time; then I can do an 8:00 to 8:30 call. I typically don't schedule calls for the drive home so I can return calls, especially to people on the West Coast."
  • Keep track of your time – track your time and you'll be amazed by how much of it you spend doing stuff that isn't productive. Note: the info you log can be directional, not precise.
  • Be thoughtful about lunch – whatever time you take for lunch, be thoughtful about how you spend it. "If you like to eat at your desk and keep chugging, fine. But if you benefit from using the break to recharge, lunch is one time where multitasking can be great: You can network, socialize, and help build your company's culture--but not if you're going out to lunch with the same people every day," Whitehurst says.
  • Start every day right – exercise first thing in the morning because exercise is energizing. Research shows that moderate aerobic exercise can improve your mood for up to 12 hours.
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One can balance between meetings and tasks effectively by mapping out the week in advance, blocking out specific time for tasks, following a realistic to-do list, defaulting to 30-minute meetings unless an hour is absolutely necessary, and quitting multitasking. It's also important to leverage edge times, such as early mornings or late evenings, when there are fewer distractions.

There are several resources available for improving productivity. These include productivity apps like Asana, Trello, or Evernote that help with task management and organization. Online courses or workshops on time management can also be beneficial. Reading books on productivity, such as 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen or 'Deep Work' by Cal Newport, can provide valuable insights. Additionally, implementing productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique or the Eisenhower Box can also be helpful. Remember, the key is to find a system that works best for you and your specific needs.

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Expert advice

Experts at Asana – a project management tool, put together a list of quotes from the gurus of productivity management that business managers, producers, project managers, and other professionals can employ.

Kerry Anne Hoffman, Senior Product Manager, Marketing Operations at Classpass

"My number one work management tip is to always reflect after a project. Then you can take everything you learned and create a playbook so you're ready the next time you need to plan and manage a similar project."

Joshua Zerkel, Head of Community at Asana

"Treat your calendar like a game of Tetris: Remove anything non-urgent and unnecessary from your to-do list. Are there things you can revisit at a later date or is there something that can be removed entirely? Don't be afraid to take it a step further by blocking out some "busy" time in your calendar for work."

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Project managers could greatly benefit from using the Productivity Planner. It can help them in organizing and prioritizing tasks, ensuring that the team is working efficiently and effectively. The planner can also assist in tracking progress and identifying any potential delays or issues early on. This can lead to better project outcomes and improved team productivity.

1. Prioritize tasks: Start by identifying the most important tasks that need to be accomplished. These should be the tasks that contribute most to your goals and objectives.

2. Remove non-urgent tasks: As suggested in the content, treat your calendar like a game of Tetris. Remove anything non-urgent and unnecessary from your to-do list. This will help you focus on the tasks that are most important.

3. Schedule 'busy' time: Block out some 'busy' time in your calendar for work. This will ensure that you have dedicated time to focus on your tasks without any interruptions.

4. Regularly update your planner: Make sure to regularly update your planner with new tasks and remove completed ones. This will help you stay organized and keep track of your progress.

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Jamie Berger, Executive Assistant to the President at Mercy for Animals

Tie everything to organizational goals. The first question to always ask is, "Will this project help us move towards our organization goals? Is this the best use of our time right now?"

Dana Barrett, Head of Product Marketing at Asana

"When your team is working hard toward a goal, the last thing they need is to get bogged down by another status update meeting. Of course, sometimes meetings are needed, but where possible I recommend sharing updates via your project's Progress tab. "

Corri Skinner, Senior Director of Creative Operations at Vox Media

"To successfully manage a project, you need to prioritize. You'll never have as much time and resources as we'd all hope for, so to do it all you need to focus on the items that will have the most impact. Then make sure those priorities are clear to stakeholders so you can set expectations and to your team so they focus on the right work."

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The Productivity Planner can be used in project management to prioritize tasks, ensuring that the team focuses on the most impactful work. It can help in setting clear expectations for stakeholders and maintaining a disciplined schedule. It can also be used to distribute tasks across the team, especially in remote work scenarios. This tool can be particularly useful in managing resources and time effectively.

The Productivity Planner is a tool designed to help individuals and teams prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively. It differs from other project management tools in that it is not a digital tool, but a physical planner. It focuses on the concept of prioritizing tasks based on their impact, which is a principle found in many project management methodologies. However, unlike comprehensive project management tools, it may not include features like team collaboration, file sharing, or progress tracking. It's best suited for individuals or small teams looking for a simple, straightforward way to manage their tasks and time.

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