Common challenges in implementing workplace flexibility include managing productivity, ensuring communication, maintaining company culture, and dealing with different time zones. Overcoming these challenges involves setting clear expectations, using technology to facilitate communication, fostering a culture of trust, and being flexible with scheduling. It's also important to provide training and support for managers in leading remote teams.

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Gartner estimated the use of collaborative platforms boomed by 44% between 2019 and 2021. At the same time, the research and consulting firm also forecast that 51% of global "knowledge" workers and 32% of all workers worldwide will be fully remote by the end of 2021. McKinsey has also estimated that 20% of the global workforce could work from home without any impact on productivity. As ZDNet reported, the difference between remote, hybrid, and flexible work will need to be more defined as we enter 2022. Wired magazine pointed out that workplace flexibility plans need to define "when" we work as well as "where." No matter what your plan, don't forget workplace flexibility in your company's 2022 policy. (Slide 12)

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Companies can implement workplace flexibility in their operations by first defining what flexibility means for them. This could mean allowing employees to work remotely, offering flexible working hours, or a combination of both. They should then communicate this policy clearly to all employees. Companies can also use collaborative platforms to facilitate remote work and ensure productivity. It's also important to regularly review and update the policy based on feedback from employees and changes in the business environment.

Workplace flexibility aligns with the trend of digital transformation in several ways. Firstly, digital transformation enables remote and flexible work by providing the necessary tools and platforms for collaboration and communication. Secondly, it allows for a more efficient use of resources, as employees can work from anywhere, reducing the need for physical office space. Lastly, digital transformation can improve productivity, as it allows employees to work at times that suit them best, leading to increased job satisfaction and performance.

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