Companies might face several obstacles when applying the On-Demand Production concept. These include the need for a robust and responsive supply chain, the ability to accurately forecast demand, and the need for a flexible manufacturing process. Overcoming these obstacles could involve investing in advanced supply chain management systems, using data analytics to improve demand forecasting, and implementing lean production techniques to increase manufacturing flexibility.

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Crowdsourcing – Outsource given tasks and cast a wide call for others to complete them. Flexible Manufacturing – Set up a manufacturing process that can be easily changed, customized, or redirected. Lean Production – Dramatically eliminate the waste and associated costs through everyday processes. On-Demand Production – Set up purchasing and fulfillment systems such that products are only produced when ordered.

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The potential for the book's idea of "Flexible Manufacturing" to be implemented in real-world scenarios is significant. Flexible Manufacturing allows for a manufacturing process that can be easily changed, customized, or redirected. This flexibility can lead to increased efficiency, reduced waste, and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes or customer demands. It's particularly beneficial in industries where product life cycles are short or where there's a high degree of product variety. However, it requires significant investment in versatile machinery and skilled labor.

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