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Some potential obstacles companies might face when applying the product positioning strategy discussed in Crossing the Chasm include:
1. Misunderstanding the target market: If a company doesn't fully understand its target market, it may position its product incorrectly, leading to poor sales.
2. Resistance to change: The most effective positioning strategies demand the least amount of change. If a product requires a significant change in behavior or perception, it may be difficult to position effectively.
3. Ineffective communication: Positioning is a communication process. If a company fails to communicate the product's value effectively, the positioning strategy may fail.
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How can the most cutting-edge start-ups fail? Start-ups fall to their death in the deep chasm that separates early tech adopters and the pragmatic mai...
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Product positioning has the single largest influence on the purchase decision. But positioning ultimately exists in people's minds. The most effective positioning strategies are ones that demand the least amount of change. The goal is to make the product easier to buy by positioning it as the best buy for a problem solution. Positioning is a communications process with four components:
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