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Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the communication practices discussed in the book could include resistance to change, lack of understanding of the new practices, and difficulty in implementing them consistently. To overcome these obstacles, companies could provide comprehensive training to employees, ensure clear and consistent communication about the changes, and establish a feedback system to continuously improve the practices based on employee and customer feedback.
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Use face-to-face communications skills to quickly bond people together. Learn explains how to make a good first impression, start a conversation with...
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The next step is to change communication practices slowly but surely. Based on feedback, keep changing the practices until the desired results are achieved. Finally, follow through with a plan for constant improvement. Small-town Kentucky Fried Chicken has grown into global corporate giant KFC because of a culture of constant change and improvement through customer and employee feedback. To remember and reinforce this principle, the author recommends saying the acronym "KFC" aloud several times daily.
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