Some alternative strategies to the Now-Next-Later roadmap for managing product development include the Theme-based Roadmap, the Goal-oriented Roadmap, and the Feature-based Roadmap. The Theme-based Roadmap groups initiatives into high-level themes, allowing for flexibility in execution. The Goal-oriented Roadmap focuses on achieving specific business objectives, and the Feature-based Roadmap is a detailed plan that outlines each feature to be developed.

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Product Roadmap

Need to manage and share the development of a product? Product roadmaps work as a source of truth document to outline the direction, priorities, progr...

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Here's how you can communicate priorities over a broad time frame with Now-Next-Later: Release 1.0 is the NOW, and it represents the minimum viable product, while Release 1.1 is the NEXT version of the product with more added benefits. LATER are the product versions down the line with even more added benefits. Those versions are the destination at the end of the roads.

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One real-world example of a product that used the Now-Next-Later roadmap for its evolution is the development of the iPhone. The first iPhone (NOW) was the minimum viable product with basic features like calling, texting, and internet browsing. The NEXT phase saw the introduction of the App Store, enhancing the phone's capabilities. The LATER phase included advanced features like Siri, Touch ID, and Face ID, which were added in subsequent versions.

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