Some common flaws in human logic that designers need to consider include the tendency to overcomplicate simple tasks, the inability to intuitively understand how to use a product, and the propensity to overlook obvious design cues. Designers need to ensure that their designs are intuitive and easy to use, avoiding unnecessary complexity. They should also make sure that important design cues, like the location of a door hinge, are clearly visible and understandable.

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The Design of Everyday Things

How do designers improve their products to work around flaws in human logic? In The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman teaches the top frameworks b...

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For simple designs, like those for a door or kettle, manual instructions to "push" or "pull" should not be necessary. Good design should indicate action by itself. Make a pillar visible so that it's clear which side of a door is attached to a hinge. When simple things are overly complex, Norman writes, "the whole purpose of the design is lost."

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Good design significantly enhances the usability of a product. It makes the product intuitive and easy to use, eliminating the need for detailed instructions or guidance. It ensures that the product's purpose is clear and that it can be used effectively and efficiently. When a product is well-designed, users can understand and use it without confusion or difficulty, which improves their overall experience and satisfaction.

The principles of psychology, cognitive science, and art can be applied in product design by understanding how users interact with and perceive objects. This involves creating intuitive designs that indicate their function and use, such as making a pillar visible to indicate which side of a door is attached to a hinge. Overly complex designs can confuse users and defeat the purpose of the design.

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