Some examples of notes that can be added to the 2020 Calendar deck include actionable or encouraging notes for yourself, your family or your work team to help visualize goals and stay on track. You can also add detailed notes such as business idea blurbs or inspirational quotes to your plans. Important dates such as birthdays, vacations, doctor's visits, kids' soccer tournaments or project delivery deadlines can also be highlighted to help you feel more in control.

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2020 Calendar

Get a head start and begin planning for 2020 now. Use our 89-slide 2020 Calendar deck to highlight important dates, mark key metrics, and set news goa...

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Slides such as this one can help you to plan for a month and add brief actionable or encouraging notes for yourself, your family or your work team, so it's easier to visualize your goals and stay on track. If you need more space for detailed notes, this slide will come handy. You can add business idea blurbs or inspirational quotes to your plans. Consider this one: "Your limitation – it's only your imagination." To highlight important dates, such as birthdays, vacations, doctor's visits, kids' soccer tournaments or project delivery deadlines, use this slide. This simple act will make you feel more in control.

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The 2020 Calendar deck can contribute to setting new goals for a team in several ways. Firstly, it can be used to highlight important dates and deadlines, which can help in planning and scheduling tasks. Secondly, it provides a visual representation of the team's goals, making it easier for everyone to understand and stay on track. Lastly, it can be used to add brief actionable or encouraging notes, which can motivate the team and keep them focused on their goals.

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