The content does not provide specific examples of recurring problems that Hyatt has solved through its lab hotels. However, it mentions that Hyatt uses lab hotels to find innovative solutions to recurring problems. A select number of its 488 global hotels have between 7 and 9 experiments running at the same time, and successful experiments then get implemented.

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Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs

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On average, the world's most innovative companies use 3.6 different types of innovation in a single new product or service, whereas average innovators only use 1.8 types of innovation altogether. Combining the types makes moves harder to replicate by competitors. Hyatt uses ""lab hotels"" to find innovative solutions to recurring problems. A select number of its 488 global hotels have between 7 and 9 experiments running at the same time. Successful experiments then get implemented. Chicago restaurant Next makes money on customers' tabs paid in advance. To reserve a table, customers pay for their entire meal in advance. Next makes interest on those funds and dramatically decreases ""no shows."" Pricing also changes based on the time of the reservation rather than the quantity of food eaten, therefore maximizing margins. Natura, a Brazilian cosmetics company, has a modest R&D team but continually launches products on the cutting edge of "skin science" to the tune of $3.4 billion annuall...

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A company can stay on the cutting edge of its industry by using multiple types of innovation in a single new product or service, making it harder for competitors to replicate. They can also experiment with new solutions to recurring problems, like Hyatt does with its lab hotels. Another strategy is to find innovative ways to maximize profits, like the restaurant Next does by having customers pay for their meals in advance. Companies can also invest in research and development to continually launch cutting-edge products, like Natura does with its skin science products.

Companies can make money on customers' tabs paid in advance in several ways. One method is to use the advance payments to earn interest before the service is provided. Another strategy is to implement dynamic pricing, where the cost of the service varies depending on factors like demand and time of reservation. This can maximize profits by charging higher prices during peak times. Additionally, advance payments can reduce the risk of no-shows, ensuring that the company doesn't lose money on unoccupied reservations.

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