The 'today vs. tomorrow' vision in successful projects often involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive goals. It's about identifying the current state of the project (today) and outlining the desired future state (tomorrow). This vision can be communicated through various tools such as a Gantt chart, which helps in task assignment, early identification of delays, team coordination, and workflow control.

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Budgets are crucial because they drive your projects' funding. With this slide, you can communicate your budget table to your stakeholders. Be sure to mention historic data and data analysis and leverage your experts' insights. Use this slide to talk about the project's "today vs. tomorrow" vision. List all the goals your team is looking to achieve. As always, ensure that the goals you set are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-sensitive. Use this slide to discuss your project's Gantt chart. Gantt chart is a reliable way to assign tasks, identify the impact of delays early, improve your team's coordination, monitor milestones and control the workflow and deliverables.

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In project management, controlling the workflow and deliverables can be effectively done by using a Gantt chart. This tool allows you to assign tasks, identify the impact of delays early, improve your team's coordination, monitor milestones, and control the workflow and deliverables. It's a reliable way to keep track of the project's progress and ensure that all tasks are completed on time and within the set budget.

You can monitor milestones in project management by using a Gantt chart. It is a reliable way to assign tasks, identify the impact of delays early, improve your team's coordination, monitor milestones and control the workflow and deliverables.

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