There are several ways to get exposure to something new. You can read books, articles, or blogs about new topics. Attend seminars, workshops, or webinars. Join online communities or forums related to the new subject. Travel to new places or try new activities. Volunteer for projects or tasks that are outside of your comfort zone. Network with people from different backgrounds or industries. Lastly, be open-minded and curious about the world around you.

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Creative Confidence

Anyone can be creative. That's the message this book drives home by showing that creativity is an innate ability that requires courage to uncover. It'...

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Choose creativity. It takes a conscious commitment to wanting to be creative to get things going. Don't second guess or question, just choose. Think like a tourist. Inspiration is not usually just hanging around waiting to show itself. It can often only be found in a different environment with new experiences and ideas. Get out of the office and find a different view, read something different, get exposure to something new. Take a break. Creativity seems to thrive during periods of relaxation. Stop focusing on the specific task and allow the mind to wander. This wandering will often uncover connections that can't be seen during focused work. Who is the end user and what do they want (or need)? Asking this question, whether about an idea, a problem or a product, creates empathy and the ability to focus on some of the more important points. Field work. Another reason to get out and about, field work involves simply observing. By observing with no set agenda, it's possible to find those "...

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Some other ways to choose creativity could include: practicing mindfulness, as it can help you to be more open and receptive to new ideas; seeking out new experiences or learning new skills, as this can stimulate your brain and spark creativity; and surrounding yourself with diverse people and perspectives, as this can expose you to different ways of thinking and inspire creative ideas. It's also important to create a conducive environment for creativity, which could mean decluttering your workspace, incorporating elements of nature, or playing background music that you find inspiring.

Some other ways to think like a tourist could include: exploring new places, trying new foods, engaging with local culture, asking questions about the area, and being open to unexpected experiences. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone and being curious about the world around you.

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