Cybersecurity breaches and their prevention measures have indirect environmental implications. Breaches can lead to significant economic losses, which can impact environmental sustainability efforts if funds are diverted from these initiatives to address the breaches. Additionally, the energy consumption of data centers, which increases during a breach due to the need for additional computational power, contributes to carbon emissions. Prevention measures, on the other hand, can help mitigate these impacts by preventing breaches in the first place, reducing the need for additional energy consumption and potential diversion of funds.

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NIST Cybersecurity Framework

While growth is always welcomed, businesses also need to focus on reducing disruptions. From systems downtime to loss of critical data, cybersecurity...

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In June 2017, the world saw the most devastating cyberattack in history. The NotPetya attack left significant marks on numerous multinational companies and profoundly disrupted the global supply chain with its rapid spread through interconnected networks. The total damages from the attack exceeded $10 billion. That number alone just wiped out years of business growth. In 2020, attacks cost governments and businesses $1 trillion, which equals to about 1% of global GDP. For individual companies, the average cost of a single data breach was $3.6 million.

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The NIST Cybersecurity Framework enhances user experience in terms of data security and trust by providing a set of standards, guidelines, and best practices to manage cybersecurity risks. It helps organizations to understand, manage, and reduce their cybersecurity risks which in turn increases the trust of users in the system. The framework also promotes the protection of privacy and civil liberties which further enhances user trust. By implementing the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity, thereby enhancing their reputation and the trust of their users.

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