The key actionable takeaways for entrepreneurs from the book 'Originals' are:

1. Recognize and develop new ideas: Entrepreneurs should always be on the lookout for fresh and innovative ideas. They should also work on developing these ideas into viable business solutions.

2. Persuade others: Entrepreneurs need to be persuasive. They should be able to convince others about the viability and potential of their ideas.

3. Manage risks: Entrepreneurs should not shy away from taking risks. However, they should also know how to manage these risks effectively.

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Learn how innovators and original thinkers across time developed their novel ideas, mitigated risks, persuaded others, and changed the way we all see...

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— the non-conformists who change the world—are not just bold risk-takers who leap into the unknown. In fact, everyone can make an impact and challenge the status quo—in their workplace, their communities, or the wider world. The key is learning how to recognize and develop new ideas; how to persuade others; and how to manage the risks.

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A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in 'Originals' by fostering a culture that encourages non-conformity and original thinking. This could involve creating spaces for employees to develop and share new ideas, and implementing strategies to manage the risks associated with innovation. The company could also focus on persuading others, both within and outside the organization, of the value of these new ideas and approaches.

The lessons from 'Originals' can be applied in today's rapidly changing business environment by encouraging innovation and original thinking. This can be done by recognizing and developing new ideas, persuading others of their value, and managing the associated risks. In a rapidly changing environment, it is crucial to challenge the status quo and be open to new ways of doing things. This involves taking calculated risks and persuading others to buy into your vision. It also involves being resilient in the face of failure and learning from mistakes to continuously improve and adapt.

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