The key lessons from the book 'Ego Is the Enemy' that can be applied in today's business environment are:

1. Avoid the 'it's all about me' approach: This approach comes from the ego and can distort our perception of failures and successes. In a business environment, it's important to remember that success is a collective effort and not just about one individual.

2. Use 'alive time' effectively: The book talks about the concept of 'dead time' and 'alive time'. 'Dead time' is when nothing is happening and you're waiting for inspiration. 'Alive time' is when you use this time for learning, planning, or otherwise keeping things moving. In business, it's important to make the most of your 'alive time' to stay ahead.

3. Get busy living or get busy dying: This quote from The Shawshank Redemption is used in the book to emphasize the importance of moving forward and not getting stuck in a rut. In business, this can be applied to constantly innovate and improve.

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Ego Is the Enemy

This book explains how people tend to think that the world revolves around them. The "it's all about me" approach comes from the ego, and this thinkin...

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There's a great line in the movie, The Shawshank Redemption. One of the characters wisely says, "Get busy living or get busy dying." Those seven, simple words represent some of the best advice for avoiding failure and moving forward. Hitting a plateau, reeling from a failure, or finishing up a project creates a break in the action. Those moments where things come to a halt can be dead time or alive time. "Dead time" is when nothing is happening, when someone is being passive and waiting for inspiration or something else to get things going. "Alive time" is when someone uses this time for learning, planning, or otherwise keeping things moving.

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Ego" is a term used in psychology to describe the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity. In a more general context, it often refers to a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. A person with a large ego often believes they are better or more important than others. This can lead to a self-centered perspective, where they believe everything revolves around them, as described in the book "Ego Is the Enemy". This can distort perceptions of success and failure, as the ego's subjective nature can lead to blaming others for failures and taking undue credit for successes.

In the book "Ego Is the Enemy", "Dead time" and "Alive time" are concepts used to describe how one utilizes their time. "Dead time" is characterized by passivity and inactivity, it's when nothing is happening or when someone is waiting for inspiration or something else to get things going. On the other hand, "Alive time" is when someone uses their time productively for learning, planning, or otherwise keeping things moving. The idea is to minimize "Dead time" and maximize "Alive time" to avoid failure and keep progressing.

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