The main components of the Portfolio Tracker template for managing stock data include the ability to choose the security, period, and interval type for monitoring. This could be daily, weekly, or monthly. Additionally, you have the flexibility to add or remove benchmarks for comparison. These changes can be made in the 'Fields' tab under the 'historical comparison' section, where you can modify the benchmarks used in the Dashboard for performance comparisons.

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Portfolio Tracker

Manage your portfolio with a template that updates the stock data in real-time. Download our Portfolio Tracker template, available in both Microsoft E...

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This section is customizable and allows you to choose the security, period, and interval type—be it daily, weekly, or monthly—for monitoring. Additionally, you have the flexibility to add or remove benchmarks for comparison. To make these changes, go to the 'Fields' tab and navigate to the 'historical comparison' section, where you can modify the benchmarks used in the Dashboard for performance comparisons.

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To modify the benchmarks used in the Dashboard for performance comparisons in the Portfolio Tracker, you need to navigate to the 'Fields' tab. From there, go to the 'historical comparison' section. Here, you can add or remove benchmarks as per your requirements.

The Portfolio Tracker template can be customized for different security types and monitoring intervals by making changes in the 'Fields' tab. In this tab, navigate to the 'historical comparison' section. Here, you can choose the security, period, and interval type—be it daily, weekly, or monthly—for monitoring. Additionally, you have the flexibility to add or remove benchmarks for comparison. These benchmarks are used in the Dashboard for performance comparisons.

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