The potential impacts of a failed market expansion according to the Market Entry Strategy can be significant. They can include financial losses due to unrecouped investments, damage to the company's reputation, and potential loss of future opportunities. It can also lead to a decrease in market share and customer trust. Therefore, it's crucial to thoroughly analyze the market and develop a robust strategy before proceeding with a market expansion.

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Market Entry Strategy

Is your business eyeing a new market? Use our Market Entry Strategy presentation template to discover if an expansion investment is worth it. Whether...

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The next visualization expands on the favorable scenario and tallies the individual impact of each category for the total additive impact. Because the synergy of all these favorable outcomes can be exponential, a separate datapoint accounts for the synergistic impact and the total market growth potential. With the same logic applied, the setback scenario can also be expanded on to tally the additive and collective impact of a failed market expansion in the following slide. Ideally, you would only want to move forward with a market expansion if both the favorable and setback scenarios result in considerable growth. (Slide 12-14)

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Businesses can apply the Market Entry Strategy to their expansion plans by first identifying a new market they wish to enter, be it a new geography, sector, or demographic. They then need to analyze the potential impact of entering this market, considering both favorable and setback scenarios. This involves tallying the individual impact of each category for the total additive impact, and accounting for the synergistic impact and the total market growth potential. Ideally, businesses would only want to move forward with a market expansion if both the favorable and setback scenarios result in considerable growth.

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