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From Warren Buffett's approach to running his life like a business, we can learn the importance of simplicity, independent thinking, and not being overly concerned with others' opinions. His approach also teaches us the value of focusing on our strengths and passions, as he did with his interest in the financial arena.
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When a group of economists came up with the Efficient Market Hypothesis, to explain how it was impossible for multi-billionaire investor Warren Buffet...
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Debunking their theory, Buffett went on to become known for his simplistic lifestyle, running his life like a business, and thinking independently. Refusing to live his life caring about what others think of him, Buffett's life story gives us a glimpse into the mind of the man who couldn't win in his personal life, but who won in the financial arena. chronicles the stories and decisions that made Warren Buffett into who he is today.
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