When a salesperson moves from being 'unconsciously incompetent' to 'consciously incompetent', they transition from a state of not knowing what they don't know, to becoming aware of their shortcomings. This is a crucial step in personal development as it allows the individual to identify areas for improvement and begin working on them.

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"There are four levels of competency in sales. Level one is 'unconsciously incompetent.' At first, you don't even know what you don't know. Level two is 'consciously incompetent.' You become aware of your shortcomings and address them. Level three is 'consciously competent.' With careful consideration and thoughtfulness, you can be confident in your abilities to sell. Level four is 'unconsciously competent.' You reach a level where talking about the sale becomes second nature."

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A salesperson can progress from being consciously incompetent to consciously competent through continuous learning and practice. This involves recognizing their shortcomings, seeking knowledge and training to address these gaps, and applying this learning in their sales activities. Over time, with consistent practice, they can become consciously competent, where they are aware of their skills and can confidently apply them in their sales role.

Being unconsciously competent in sales refers to reaching a level of expertise where selling becomes second nature. At this stage, salespeople don't have to consciously think about the various steps and strategies of selling. They have internalized the process to such an extent that it becomes automatic. This level of competency is achieved after going through the stages of being unconsciously incompetent, consciously incompetent, and consciously competent.

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