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Sales are crucial for lead conversions, customer retention and business growth and regular reviews ensure that your venture's sales performance is in check. With our Sales Review presentation, you can summarize findings from the year's performance and lay out the blueprint for a more productive and fruitful year ahead. An important thing to remember during this process is that, as Nelson Mandela put it, you never lose, you either win or learn.

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Apart from review presentations, other ways to motivate a sales team can include setting clear and achievable goals, providing regular feedback and recognition, offering competitive compensation and incentives, providing opportunities for professional development and training, fostering a positive and supportive team culture, and ensuring that the team has the necessary tools and resources to succeed.

The lessons learned from a sales review can be applied in the next year by using them to create a blueprint for improvement. This could involve identifying areas of weakness, setting new goals, and developing strategies to achieve them. It's important to remember that there's no such thing as failure, only learning opportunities.

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Slide highlights

Use this slide to go over your company's or department's sales performance. To prep for this step, keep organized track of leads and deals, automatically generate the sales analytics reports and work closely with your sales team.

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With this slide, discuss your key sales performance metrics. These may include monthly sales growth, average profit margin, sales target and opportunities, monthly calls and emails, customer lifetime value and other KPIs.

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Go over prospects and new opportunities, using this slide. Some tips for sales prospecting are: create an ideal prospect profile; find ways to meet your ideal prospects; actively work on your call lists and focus on personalization.

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Some other metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of a sales team include conversion rate, average deal size, sales cycle length, customer acquisition cost, customer churn rate, and customer satisfaction score. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of the sales team's performance, from how well they convert leads into customers, to how satisfied those customers are with their experience.

Some other ways to improve sales target achievement include: setting realistic and achievable goals, providing regular training and development opportunities for the sales team, implementing a robust CRM system to track leads and deals, using data analytics to understand customer behavior and trends, focusing on customer retention and upselling, and incentivizing the sales team with rewards and recognition for meeting or exceeding targets.

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, Pipedrive, offers an eight-step guide to conducting a sales review:

  • Frame the retrospective as a positive event – remind your team that this review is about learning, not blaming; it's about the past and the future; this review is a safe haven where everyone involved can speak their mind without negative repercussions.
  • Discuss what went well – participants should be pushed to think beyond generalities and pin down specifics. Rather than settle for statements like "I made my quotas" or "I closed a big deal," encourage yourself and your team to dig deeper, the Pipedrive team says.
  • Discuss what went poorly – things don't always go our way, people make mistakes, and teams don't always meet their goals. The experts say: "Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, so make sure the history is accurately chronicled."
  • Cover all your bases – ask more prompting questions, like "In what industry were your biggest wins?" "In what industry were your biggest losses?" "How long did it take to separate the deals from the duds?" "What percentage of your monthly prospects led to won deals?" "What percentage went nowhere?" "Was your follow-up process as efficient as it could have been?"
  • Consolidate the answers – after discussing the successes and failures, consolidate everyone's answers and organize them hierarchically. Then decide which areas are in most and least need of improvement.
  • Turn the "What? into "Why?" – the first step toward improvement is to identify the root cause of any given gain or failure.
  • Establish what was learned – by now, the experts say, you and your team should be looking at a massive whiteboard filled with successes, failures and the root causes of those gains and failures. To fully establish what was learned, engage in a little linguistic rearranging.
  • Make an improvement plan – when the learnings are established, identify the actions people can take to improve their shortcomings. "If your team learned that by developing a more holistic understanding of the customer's needs during the initial conversation, they can increase the likelihood of obtaining a face-to-face meeting. One action they can take is to practice active listening," the Pipedrive team says.
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To ensure that the history of a sales team's performance is accurately chronicled during a review, it's important to frame the retrospective as a positive event focused on learning. Encourage team members to discuss both successes and failures in detail, rather than settling for general statements. Ask prompting questions to cover all aspects of performance, such as the industries where the team had the biggest wins and losses, the time it took to separate successful deals from unsuccessful ones, and so on. Remember, the goal is to learn from the past to improve future performance.

A sales review can help in improving the team's performance in the upcoming year by providing a platform to learn from past experiences. It allows the team to discuss what went well and what went poorly, enabling them to identify specific areas of success and failure. This retrospective analysis helps in understanding the patterns of wins and losses, the time taken to separate deals from duds, and other crucial aspects. By learning from the past, the team can strategize better for the future, avoid repeating mistakes, and capitalize on successful practices.

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Expert advice

HubSpot picked over 500 selling experts' brains clean on selling tactics and practices. Here is what the sales gurus say:

Sean McPheat, CEO of MTD Training Group

"It doesn't matter what you think you're selling that counts. It only matters what the client thinks they are buying. In other words, see the whole sales transaction through their eyes and match what you offer to their wants, lifestyle, and their view of the world."

Zhelinrentice Scott, the SEO Queen

"Never sell with the goal of getting the money, sell with the intention of solving the problem or making the prospect's pain go away."

Steve Eungblut, Managig Director at Sterling Chase Associates

"Always sell to a compelling event and make sure that compelling event is a) the buyer's compelling event, b) fits with your timeline; and c) is not within the control of the buyer to ignore or change. Then plan the sale backward from the compelling event with the help of the buyer."

Steve Farmer, Associate Broker at Marc Austin Highfill Team, Exit First Realty

"Never make statements, always ask questions – preferably questions you know the answer to. This leads clients to draw their own conclusions and sell themselves, as opposed to being sold. Even when you're asked a question and you're unsure why they asked, it's better to clarify by saying, 'That's an interesting question; why is that important to you?' rather than diving in and flubbing the whole process."

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This strategy can be used to motivate a sales team by encouraging them to engage more with their clients. By asking questions instead of making statements, salespeople can lead their clients to draw their own conclusions and sell themselves. This approach can make the sales process more interactive and engaging, which can motivate the sales team to improve their performance.

Some other techniques to avoid flubbing the sales process include: understanding your product or service thoroughly, knowing your target audience, practicing active listening, being honest and transparent, handling objections effectively, and following up with potential customers. It's also important to maintain a positive attitude, be patient, and not rush the sales process.

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Maria May, Licensed Real Estate & Life Insurance Agent In South Carolina Hilton Head Island Area

"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care."

Bonnie Brown – President, BBI Marketing

"There are four levels of competency in sales. Level one is 'unconsciously incompetent.' At first, you don't even know what you don't know. Level two is 'consciously incompetent.' You become aware of your shortcomings and address them. Level three is 'consciously competent.' With careful consideration and thoughtfulness, you can be confident in your abilities to sell. Level four is 'unconsciously competent.' You reach a level where talking about the sale becomes second nature."

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A salesperson can progress from being consciously incompetent to consciously competent through continuous learning and practice. This involves recognizing their shortcomings, seeking knowledge and training to address these gaps, and applying this learning in their sales activities. Over time, with consistent practice, they can become consciously competent, where they are aware of their skills and can confidently apply them in their sales role.

Being unconsciously competent in sales refers to reaching a level of expertise where selling becomes second nature. At this stage, salespeople don't have to consciously think about the various steps and strategies of selling. They have internalized the process to such an extent that it becomes automatic. This level of competency is achieved after going through the stages of being unconsciously incompetent, consciously incompetent, and consciously competent.

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